Benny Hinn coming to Trinidad and Tobago!!!

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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
So i seeing and hearing the pastor Benny Hinn coming to Trinidad, and it sickens me. Do you remember last time he came here in Trinidad he called us evil, and Trinidad and Tobago is a land of vodoos wtf

Even more so he called Manning the Prime minister at the time a "foolish man" in his second visit. Read this on what Hinn said

"Years ago, I was in Trinidad... This man was sitting on the platform and I will be the next prime minister and he is till now. I was in his (Manning) office a few months ago...he brought with him a very foolish woman who called herself a 'prophetess'," Hinn said.

"He came to the room with this woman and said, 'I have a gift for you.' So he looked at me, said, 'This is the woman; she has a word for you...' I was not happy and when I am not happy, people will know it. He (Manning) said, 'I want her to pray for you and give her the word; I take her with me everywhere,' he said (Manning).

"'God speaks to me through her. She has been a great blessing to the Government. I'm thinking, 'You foolish man'. This woman reaches out to touch me and I grab her hand in mid air. 'Don't touch me,' I said.

"Shaken, I said, 'Mr Prime Minister, I honour you but I don't know who this woman is... nobody will lay hands on me,' and I walked out of the room. Whether it is the prime minister or president, nobody lays hands on me. I don't know what spirit is in her. Don't let people touch you."

Manning responded in a statement, "The Prime Minister says the statement made by Pastor Hinn is inaccurate, and he is truly surprised that such remarks could be made by a man of God. The Prime Minister says, 'I am at a loss to determine what would have caused him to intervene in those terms, and at this time, but that is a matter between him and his maker.'"

I taught preaching the word of god suppose to be free, why is this man charging over 600 dollars for members of T&T to see him preach the word of god.

People you should not be paying to learn about god's teaching if you do you are foolish your self done talk
he commin bk to take all d trinidadians money who he called devils
I really don't care who he is but if he taking people money to preach the word of GOD HE IS FAKE AND A HYPOCRITE ... AND ANYONE WHO DOES THIS TAKE MONEY FOR PREACHING IS NOT TRULY BEING HONEST WITH HIMSELF..STUPID MAN!!
If you do a search for Benny Hinn you will see alot of countries undergoing investigations on this man, also their are alot of other websites calling this man a false prophet!!
if he has d "fire power" as he claims....y not use dis healin in d countries dat realy need his so call healin.....y not go Haiti or Egypt......oh i kno...dey ah hav no money!!! ah still wonder if Patrick Manning still remembers him
False Prophets,False Prophets i say. Its all a big money making scandal, and i don't business how vex don't vex at me vex at the money de man charging to see him.
Do you really believe that God want us to pay to learn about his teachings, no so who the his Benny Hinn and others.
Well its not our choice in the Bible They talk about false prophets and i think he is one of them LOL seriously
Some people talking about false prophets but how can you just say that, i think T&T needs Benny Hinn at this time, we need him to pray for our people to come back to god's teaching, let him heal and calm down the country, thank you Benny Hinn for coming back, food for though did you know Benny Hinn only comes to the country when UNC party is in government
Hope you have the money the pay to go see him and if you don't have the money bet your bottom's dollar your only going to see him in the ads placed on tv lol
ahaha..Well anyone who have money and willing to go to his teaching then go but for the rest of us spreading the word of god is not a profession and a money making job yes
is it true dat Miracle Healing Services wll on in Trinidad and Tobago on April 13th an 14th.....Benny Hinn Ministries is ask ppl to please pray in agreement for God to move in a mighty way with signs, wonders, and the greatest miracle of all salvation......tell us wat is goin on wit dis pastor....
about 12,000 ppl went to d Hasely Crawford Stadium, Port of Spain yesterday to listen to world-famous evangelist Benny Hinn...... he told photographers he had enough pictures taken for the day so dey can stop....Benny Hinn chastised a cameraman for attempting to fix a wire leading to the stage where invited guests, Laventille East/Morvant MP Donna Cox and Arima MP Rodger Samuel sat...he tell d camera man to go and leave d wire....Hinn said he doh care about d stupid d camera man walked away and left the area.....
Hinn was critical of people who believed that religion can save them from damnation. He said “religion cannot save you it can only destroy you”. He said the entrance to heaven was by way of the cross and “if you reject Jesus you will be destroyed in fire”......
why was he bk in it for money wit his false can anyone say which private plane he can in....wat do kno bout dis man....let us know...