Bad Habits ?

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nail biting,like throwing items out the car,picking up more items in grocery than originally plan and overspending and not saving...lolllz
Tht grocery one is soo true !

How about already stuffed after eating but you go and eat after that because your eye hungry for more food lol
I do that too much! Also forget what I'm doing and get distracted easily eg. walking into the kitchen and forgetting what I went for lol
Opening a drink but put back some in the fridge and forget about it lmaooo
Telling myself I will only take one bite of a snack/dessert save the rest for later......then eating the whole thing and others too lol

Also continuing to eat even if my belly is super full because something tastes so good (greediness!) lol
Leaving garbage in the car and telling myself i will throw it out eventually LOL :/
Pigging out on unhealthy foods and justifying it by a "healthy" water intake and promises to myself to eat healthy stuff later lol