Baby On Board Sign

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Jun 9, 2008
Some people are confused as to why there are Baby On Board stickers at the back of a vehicle. Here's the reason why ?

  • The original intention of the sign is to ?encourage safe driving?. Presumably, fellow road users will exercise additional caution around a motoring mom or dad.
  • The next reason makes a lot of sense: If the car with a baby or small child inside is in an accident, rescuers will know to look for the baby in the wreckage. Of course, the presence of a baby seat should indicate the same, but road users are fickle- some would happily place the BoB sign in their window, but not use a purpose-built baby seat.
  • The urban legend comes from this story which surfaced on the internet in 2002: "Some years ago, there was a car crash in Canada. The police located adult and child family members trapped in the crashed car, rescued them and sent them to hospital to recover. The car was towed to an impounding yard, and the following day the police discovered a baby's body, frozen to death but otherwise uninjured under one of the seats."
  • The US has recently introduced a similar sign to alert the presence of an autistic child who, in the event of an accident, may not respond to medical rescue personnel.
  • Need to use the Moms ?n Tots parking bay at the mall? Your sign will ensure that any security guards checking on the presence of a baby in the vicinity will be appeased?
hmmmmmm i wonder how many of them reasons feasible in trinidad?

ive seen reckless trini drivers with and without the Baby on board sign/ poster, it makes no difference to the general public while driving.

however the reasons for rescue might be viable in such situations. Atleast i hope so. Ive seen the best and worst in this country and its shocking to speak of the intentions of some societal members!

it really just comes down to the type of people thats around if and when something goes wrong!
I was reading a post where people find it was so useless to put the stickers ..but in a case of emergency this is vital information.
this is kind of annoying to be honest and acts as a distraction cuz most times there isn't any baby on board
most times there isn't any baby on board

most of the time , people buy it and stick it up when they dont even have younger kids, my aunt has one on her car, and she doesnt have any kids.
Lol.. i think they should order them to be removable so when there are no kids you take it down.
Agreed! She just uses it now so that drivers will be cautious around her car because it "new brand" and by that I mean foreign used... Lol
We use a sign (that keeps falling off lol). My hope is that people will be a bit more courteous or practice safe driving around a car with a baby, but so far I don't think it's made a difference. My husband still gets bad drive, rush, bumper riders, etc. You can see the baby car seat when you look in from outside the car too, still no difference. If he wasn't such a skilled driver we would have been in many an accident, with or without the sign. There are too many careless drivers on the road, and not being observant enough can be a fatal mistake.

I'd also like to hope that in the even of an accident, the sign will alert authorities to look for and adequately treat my son in case he gets out of the car seat somehow. Hopefully I'll never have to find out.
Quite honestly, I've gotten some very "dotish" bad drives from women with the baby on board stickers on the back of their windshields. So I don't think it matters in Trinidad very much, also, a lot of people just have it for having it sake, they have no baby nor restraint system in place for the baby.
Actually i don,t understand this board sign because i never seen a Baby on Board sign so what he actually wants to restrict us on the road.I think its a school on the roadside.

Some people use different variations of the sign to make a statement now, but I think more than anything it should signal to other drivers that there's a vulnerable little person inside (don't try to bad drive and rush people off the road for example) and to emergency workers that the vehicle has a child. I think it's similar to the 'school crossing' signs reminding drivers to exercise caution on the roadways as children will be about and to curb their road rage in those areas at least. I wouldn't put it past members of society to incorrectly try to use the sign for special treatment though, but I think the little reminders are good to remind all drivers to be courteous to one another and practice safe driving, as they should under normal circumstances but often do not.

For drivers using the sign, it's popularly suggested that they remove the sign when the child is not in the car and be reminded to curb their own road rage and exercise safe driving for the sake of their own child at the very least.
What irks me the most is people with unrestrained children in their backseat. Sometimes parents allow their children to stand on the transmission tunnel between the front seats and look forward. If only they realize the dangers that lurk from such an allowance. I cringe when I see it.

At the same time, some of these "Baby on board drivers" continue to be the worst.
Somewhere i read of a bad accident relating to this same issue. A Woman was driving and had her kids unrestrained in the back seat jumping and playing.. She got into an accident and he children flied through the front windscreen and died. People don't know the dangers of that nah .
Can you imagine an unrestrained adult can kill a whole car of people in an accident?
Oh now i am really understand it well.So its the extra safety of the cars.As by seeing this board they can protect our car because baby are inside.
I think too many people consider just putting their kids in the backseat as good enough. Not many people understand that seatbelts are more than just the law, they can save your child's life as well. Even lesser known is the rear facing (life saving) recommendation up to age two or until the child outgrows the seat, or the seats that transition up until age 12.

Please see this video
I think more people need to see that video. A lot of folks still think the impact in a car crash is all the resulting damage and while that's true to an extent, it's easy to overlook the damage an unrestrained 175 lb (for example) weight can cause in such an event.
Yeah as more of the people learn about it so more people feel safe and this video is really very awesome and a big lesson foe everyone.
That's why i buckle up in the backseat and front as well. I wouldn't not want to fly through a windscreen because i was stupid not to buckle up.

A Car is a weapon of destruction as well.. Let's all think about that
Yeah no doubt car is a very dangerous drive.Even some people call it Death drive because in every moment you are in risk so be careful in drive.