Baby Dies In Cesspit

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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
A 15 month old Toddler drowned in an open cesspit when her mother left to go "down d road by a shop". The baby's 3month old sister was also sleepin in the house and on her arrival the 17yr old mother discovered her child was missing. Neighbours looked everywhere until they discovered the frail body of the child in the cesspit. the father was absent at that time . This occured in Cashew Gardens, Longdenville.
What the hell, one the girl so young but thats not the case and two why the hell people does leave little children unsupervised. This is so sad and shocking, and also the worst way for someone to die.
well thats what im saying she not thinking at all boy and to know she cannot even close up the house before goin outside to know the kinda crime it have these days TOTALLY UNFIT MOTHER
ah was tinkin....was d cesspit d same one dey does use
was it unsecured
did d child gone to take ah shit
was it a customary ting....she leavin she child alone
was she gone longer dan she sayin
was dis child abuse
did she trow d child an den gone so it go look like ah acc drowing
wat d police doin to her now
ah wonder if Dr Moonilal give den ah new house
will dis case die a natural death
wat we doin to stop dis from happenin to another child
ah so vex wit all ah dem who doh study dey children.......ah does c dis every day ah go to wey d f..kin social workers....dey only lookin for mango an wey dey could get free ting from....TALK AN TELL D WORLD WAT U C PPL DOING!!!