are u flirting with me?

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New Member
Jul 13, 2008
so ullyuh in a nice resturant or club or house party or in the hilton for oleyrs/ newyrs party and d eyes lock onto a somebody.....yuh lookin damn supa fly in teh 20 piece suit or teh dress that compliements yuh body eyes skin feet hair smell .........u gauging a sumtin and yuhheart beatin fast....yuh ehh wuh go up to teh person and talk cause yuh feelin shy.....yuh decide to flirt from a distance how wud u do it....

eventually the somebody come up to u now and start talkin to yuh ....wuhs ullyuh best flirt lines in a convo????
Sometimes stating the obvious works. Like 'I'm suprised you actually want to speak to me, I usually find sexy/beautifull/goodlooking girls like you intimidating. ' If she's still listening after the first three words she just might fall for it.
i find oh gorm gyul yuh is the cocnut inmeh toolum does work too lol
buh it doh explain y i doh get a fone number from dem or one thas work lmao
ah shit!!!!!!!!!!! them woman does wuh more liens dan that???
thas a friggin bes lien dey!!!!!!!!
jus goes to show u can t ever please a woman...unless yur mandingo
one word meng....Confidence.........confidence goes a long way...being shy jus doh cut it anymore, i recognise that if yuh already lukin supa fly....jus walk up to her an siddong....say "hi" in d sexy voice(muss be deep) and she go melt like 2year old margarine in ah bruk down fridge.

ok seriously...jus talk to her as if she was one of yuh frens yuh know a while....doing anything else would make you nervous an then yuh go look like ah backside.Getting further into the convo rest your hand near to hers(not touching but close enuff to hint to her sumthing..)if this works you in d game..


jus tell she "you seem like a beautiful and intelligant(*sp) woman....are you here alone?"
Thats why if someone cant accept you for who you are they're not worth it. Confidence in yourself is the most important thing when meeting other people but humility and restraint should be packaged with it. Not obsessively worring about your every single action goes a long way in making you more comfortable, that in turn would make whoever you're conversing with comfortable too. The more of the real you the better. Everyone has a sense of humour, just different levels of it but humour should come naturally when you're relaxed, that way it sounds less rehearsed and more spontaneous. Thats way better than pre plannning. Faking it is exhaustingly useless, lol, it sucks the life outta you and most people can tell. The point is when you enjoy yourself (responsibly lol) most people would also enjoy you. If they dont then they're aren't worth the effort to imperss.
Sometimes u cannot even tell if the person just talking to you out of humour or a dare from their friends lol