Anyone Helping Haiti?

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Jun 9, 2008
Yes I am! I am in a program at school to collect food items and any clothing from students and their families to donate to Haiti. Alot of people i know giving any thing that can help even wood so please it have so many radio announcements and tv commercials saying where to give stuff..Please donate....please
the national youth council sent this:

Chenelle Spooner sent a message to the members of National Youth Council of Trinidad and Tobago (NYCTT). --------------------

Subject: LET'S CONTINUE TO HELP HAITI!! Dear Members, Thank you for your contributions to the various organisations thus far! Please continue to contribute. Here are some other ways and places that you can contribute:

1) T&T Red Cross Society
Bank Republic Bank LimitedAccount Name: TTRCS HAITI RELIEF FUNDAccount No.: 180 482 517 101
Bank: Scotiabank LimitedAccount Name: TTRCS Haitian Earthquake Relief FundAccount No.: 400 2466
Bank:Republic Bank LimitedAccount Name: The Salvation ArmyAccount No.: 150 501 272 201

Bank: Scotiabank LimitedAccount Name: United Way Accont No.: 74815 400 2471
Bank: First CitizensAccount Name: Haitian Relief FundAccount No.: 181 6496
Bank: First CitizensAccount Name: First Citizens Relief FundsAccount No.: 1816404 Non-perishables and clothing can be dropped at the following Salvation Army offices:-Headquarters: 154a Henry Street, Port of Spain - 625-4120-Tunapuna: 36 Eastern Main Road, Tunapuna - 720-0814-San Fernando: 33 Coffee Street - 652-5673-House of Marketing: O'Meara Road, Industrial Boulevard, Arima -354-7034-Tobago: Dutch Fort Road - 639-3406

3)Society of St Vincent de Paul:
People are invited to donate non-perishables(no clothes) at the following outlets:-Homes for the Aged: Nazareth House, 20 Duncan Street, Port of Spain-Tritscher Home: Saddle road, Bourg Mulatress, Santa Cruz -Rigsby Plus Charles Place Home: Industry Street, Arima-SVP Home for the Aged: Easterfield Road, Mason Hall, Tobago-St Andrew's Home: 136 Belmont Circular Road, Belmont-SVP Home for the Aged: Ruth Avenue, San Fernando

4) Hostels -Ozanam Boys' Hostel:
19 Duncan Street, Port of Spain-WV Clerk Hostel: Independence Avenue, San Fernando -Ozanam Night Shelter: Basilon Street, Tunapuna -Ozanam Night Shelter: Independence Avenue, San Fernando

5) Nursery:
Cyril Ross SVP Nursery: El Dorado Road, Tunapuna

6) Halfway Houses/Centres-Centre for Socially Displaced Persons:
1 Town Council Street, Port of Spain-Nazareth Halfway House: 21 Duncan Street, Port of Spain.
Please continue to support and contribute to help our brothers and sisters in HAITI! Let them know we love and care for them!!

Yours Sincerely, Chenelle SpoonerDeputy ChairpersonNYCTT--------------------

and another one

> Dear Members,
> Here is another opportunity to contribute:
> Today, Friday 15th January, 2010 from 4pm - 8pm at HYATT waterfront , come see perfomances from Joint Pop, Kes the Band, HD Family, Mungal Pantessar, Peter C Lewis, Bro. Resistance, Tambu Bamboo, Muha...mmad, ivory, Gary Acost and more!
> They are still seeking artists so if u guys know of anyone that would be interested to join the line up let them call Ardene at 463 4297.
> Baby formula (dry/powder)
> Baby wipes
> Baby bottles
> Diapers
> Baby clothes
> Toiletries (shampoo, soap, toothpaste)
> Hand sanitizer
> Vitamins
> First aid kits
> Over the counter medicines
> Socks
> Blankets
> Mosquito repellent
> Flashlights
> Batteries
> Candles
> Flip flops
> T-shirts, pants, lightweight jackets
> water purifier tablets or kits
> Non perishable food that’s not in cans (seal-paks of tuna or sardines, freeze-dried food for example)

> (This message courtesy Hillan Morean, UWI Guild President)
> Yours Sincerely,
> Chenelle Spooner
> Deputy Chairperson
> --------------------
I shame to say..i aint do anything yet. When I get pay, i will make a contribution to the cause.
People please.....everyone have to make a change and contribute to something
We know...we know...but I can't give what I don't have.... so when i'm able to i will.
k kooolll i don't have bmobile to try.

People IBN is also asking people who want to help to go to haiti ...i jus asking if yall know anyone who want to go to call them and see if spaces already booked up
I made a few donations through bmobile its not much but at least i helped in what ever way i can
meh ah givin nah coz dey have enough for now!!! wen dey settle down ah mite give..........were's d check an balances..........later on d need will b greater so my money will reach ah fraid dem smart man out dey yes!!!
True The Government and the Prime minister will take most of that money, They will want to squander it all. They should account all the money hati got and see where the money gone.

Because Haiti has received really alot of money eh
Yes dude did i not say that in a next topic? But are you saying that corruption will not occur. Have you heard the news about some us soldiers or something stole 55,000 us dollars ( i don't know the exact sum but its more than 55,000)
Dude corruption always happens. It's inescapable when dealing with people. But their is no such think as 100 percent corruption. If we never paid taxes we'd be one of the poorest nations in the world. Denmark's taxes are as high as 50 percent of their income and everyone pays it if they didn't their economy would collapse. We have to give with the understanding that it will make a difference. Even if only one cent gets to those who need it it's still a difference. You could easily say half the money sent is spent on expenses not directly related to the relief effort and it may be true but the remainder does help these people. Corruption isn't our problem. Other men's greed isn't our problem. But if we are inclined to give we have to do so with the faith that it is achieving something. Starving the relief fund will only hurt the ones who need it most. You dont have to give money. You dont have to give anything. But if you show concern by giving money lost along the way is more than an acceptable risk. We dont gain a thing by giving. Not even salvation or a clear conscience. But when people can benefit from our generousity it's always worth it. You can't quantify life in dollars. We can't deny them if they system isn't 100 percent foolproof.. but you dont HAVE to give. If you do. Have faith.
I really think your not getting whats i'm tying to say and you are interpreting something i never said.
Why does this post turn into corruption and thing? It's supposed to be about who's helping Haiti? Not about who thiefing what....anyways. My employee had a drive to collect funds to deposit into the Haiti Relief Fund at Republic bank,and I contributed. i will continue to contribute again when I could.
That wasn't directed and you or anyone here admin.. I was thinking about some people on facebook :[ sorry bout that.
Subway had a food for food thing. Hopefully they will again.. all you need to carry is canned foods. It's almost like they robbing themselves. lol.