Another call for women to be careful

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Jun 9, 2008
All women who reading this please protect yourself and also if you have children from an abusive've read about it on the newpapers and on tv and its time to let go and take a stand

nother call was made yesterday for harsher penalties for domestic violence abusers, during the funeral of school teacher Reena Ramsumair, who was stabbed to death at her home in Cunupia last weekend.

Local Government councillor Shama Deonarine told mourners that Ramsumair might still be alive if the law was tougher.

Ramsumair taught Spanish at the Couva East Secondary School. She was the divorced mother of a four-year-old boy. Her child witnessed the killing. Ramsumair’s sister, Sushma, was slashed across the forehead, when she tried stopping the attack.

Deonarine said, ’I am hoping that more drastic measures are taken to implement these measures to protect our women from domestic abuse and violence ... Maybe if we had stiffer penalties, today we probably would not have seen this child in this position’.

Hundreds attended Ramsumair’s funeral at her home at Alexander Street, Bejucal, Cunupia.

Deonarine suggested that programmes be introduced in schools to monitor a child’s progress and keep records.

’Look at the behaviour pattern in some of our children and start to guide them and get a psychologist to coach them. Things that have been building up from a young age to an older age could be prevented at times,’ she said.

Ramsumair’s cousin, Lisa Joseph-Ramsumair, also advised women to take self defence classes for protection.

’Ladies, if you are being abused whether physically, sexually or emotionally, it could result in this,’ she said, pointed to Ramsumair’s coffin.

Pundit Charlie Rambally said Ramsumair’s deserved a better death.

’We all say the time was up and this is how she had to die. No. God didn’t send us here for someone to take our lives... God sent us here to enjoy life and to work towards your goal in life and on the spiritual part,’ he said.

Ramsumair’s pupils and co-workers attended the funeral.

Schoolgirl Denicia Vance said ’She provided us with tips on studying, choosing our friends and respecting and loving one another. She taught us to stand together as a class’.

’Miss, we love you, we miss you and we will never forget you,’ she said in both Spanish and English.
another one slain...Its really sad that she had to dis this way... My deepest sympathies and condolences go out to the friends and family. Was the person arrested?
This is truly very sad. I didn't know her personally but had some friends who were thought by her back in Couva and they said she was such a sweetheart.
A call for women and men to be careful out there..if you go in bars and clubs don't trust and make friends with any one easily and if u see a lonely road or walkway plz let some one know where you are and get some one to walk with you or stay on the phone with you
dis is ah all for all d school girls....plz b careful with ur phone pics of ur self or friends it could get u i serious trouble so b wise an watch wat u do in public!!!
alot of people right now especially men love to post up pics of girls and claim that its their gf and sort..people please watch out i know you all does want to dress sexy and whatnot but these days you have to be careful bcuz men does want to touch not see
Those who don't want to hear will feel, these days women are dressing very Volga. When i see some of them the way they dress i feel disgusted
It's shame that people care more about fashion than they do about safety.

I don't think Trinidad society knows what to do in abusive relationships, it like a fact of life here its only when somebody dies we see it as a problem :/
What about the people who cant function day to day on the most basic things because of abuse... :S

Ever see the new fashion girls wearing now the holy top that looks like it have been cut by a scissors by the chest area and the style is to wear a lacey bra for everyone to see LMAO...Oh gosh them does crack me up yes thank god i dont follow fashion so much i have a very straight mind i know crazy when i see it and i have shame
female drivers of all ages have to be vigilant to avoid becoming victims of crimes while driving, including carjacking, sexual assault, robbery....Women attract attention simply by being women drivers...don't even look at someone who is trying to get your attention...just drive on or turn at the next intersection...If it is more a case of road rage, don't get into a verbal exchange, just take the high road and ignore.....Don't drive after dark into areas you don't not leave valuables such as laptops, handbags on the seat of the vehicle especially if the vehicle windows are down....Ensure your vehicle is locked at all times, even when you are driving and make sure your windows are not open all the way down, especially when you approach intersections or busy streets....Ensure your car is well serviced and maintained to reduce the chances of a breakdown and have a safety check done before each long trip....Learn how to change a tyre, jump-start the battery or change a wiper blade...the more you empower yourself with basic maintenance tips the less chances of you being the damsel in distress....

Always keep your car doors locked, whether you are in or out of your car.
At stop signs and traffic lights keep the car in gear.
Travel well-lit and busy streets. Plan your route.
Don't leave your purse on the seat beside you; put it on the floor, where it is more difficult for someone to grab it.
Lock bundles or bags in the trunk. If interesting packages are out of sight, a thief will be less tempted to break in to steal them.
When returning to your car, check the front seat, back seat, and floor before entering.
Never pick up hitchhikers.
If your car should break down, get far enough off the road, turn on your emergency flashers, raise the hood, get back into the car, lock the door, and wait for help.