Android Vs iOS - The Not So Friendly Rivals

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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
The battle begins! Android and iOS and two competitors competing in the same market for the same share.

Do you like Android?

Are you an iOS fan?

What do you fancy?

Tell me why.

I'll go first: I'm android phone all the way. Its very easy to tweak and you can do almost anything you want out of the box. Rooting opens even more opportunities and its a very widely supported platform with thousands of uses aside from calls and messages. If done right, an android can be a very reliable platform with the ability to do almost anything imaginable.

However, I put my trust in the bitten Apple where it counts. iOS is much more restricted than Android and is also more optimized and so its a lot better "where it matters". I rely on an iPad to get me through school as it has proven to be more reliable than my already reliable android. iOS to me is more the OS to go to when you want to get the job done without complexity. Its a simple to use OS with a great degree of reliability and optimization, both of which I find key elements in a tablet.

Final verdict: I like both and I know they are rivals but I use both hand in hand on a daily basis and through the use of cross platform apps and a wi-fi hotspot via my android, I have basically integrated the two to work together and they are in fact quite the combo.
LOL this thread opening a ants nest here products can be jailbroken the end it comes down to preference by the person and their needs....
I'm for android almost all the way *hides iPhone* but iPhone's camera is on a whole 'nother level.
LOL this thread opening a ants nest here products can be jailbroken the end it comes down to preference by the person and their needs....

Oh I want the ants nest to open :D

Yes bro, I have jailbroken every single iPad I have ever had. I could not live with them unless they were jailbroken lol.

What I also didn't mention is that I had 2 Android Tablets and both of them were terrible. They suffered with the horrible freezing issue no matter what rom, tweak or configuration. It was contrary to the reviews but in line with the people who posted on forums. Thats the main reason why I chose the iOS side for tablets. I do miss Viper4Android sometimes but gaining the ability to play youtube audio with the screen off/ on another app is really handy so +1 to the jailbreak for iOS there.

What side do you prefer?

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I'm for android almost all the way *hides iPhone* but iPhone's camera is on a whole 'nother level.

Lol you sure about that? Cause I'm sure Blu would beg to differ with their Life Pure XL.
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Hahaha I'll have to check that out for myself. I didn't jailbreak this iPhone though. I feel guilty lol
I'm for android almost all the way *hides iPhone* but iPhone's camera is on a whole 'nother level.
That level is about 10 levels lower than any android phone from 1 or 2 years ago lol.

My choice is still Android but I have numerous Apple products. One thing I miss about iOS is the tweaks after you jailbreak. As someone said it at the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference
I personally prefer Android. Although it has its little glitches and not as stable as ios, i love the play store where i can get almost everything. There is a wide range of updates and options for the andriod platform available free on the net as well.

I had an ipad which i bought for the 1st year of uwi. Man, i had so many problems with that especially when it came to downloading aps and i have to fork out money for every little thing. I didn't own a credit card. Music and videos too from itunes ! Sometimes i want to play a little game and you have to pay but when i went over to my phone which was the Galaxy Ace at the time, it was free! Yes i know it is stable and reliable and more secure but when i needed things in a rush i didn't have the patience with the ipad features! I sold it and i never regreted it !

Recently, i had a chance to keep an andriod tablet. It was fun, easy to use, free everything, finding and downloading music, games, books etc. was very easy via the play store and i loved it . Will purchase one in the future but not right now.

As they said , it all comes down to personal preference and for a peron like me with no patience , i choose Android
Really guys ? Don't get me started on what I think about the iPhone . To make things a whole lot simple iPhone is very outdated when compared to the features and hardware(specs) a regular android phones. All the features of an iPhone already was in existence on android since 4 years ago.
Really guys ? Don't get me started on what I think about the iPhone . To make things a whole lot simple iPhone is very outdated when compared to the features and hardware(specs) a regular android phones. All the features of an iPhone already was in existence on android since 4 years ago.

yet its because of apple that you android ppl are getting apple forces them the only thing android has was larger a tech area hardware doesnt mean anything if the os cannot use it to its full potential....and years a back when the 1st iphone was released nothing was near it....NB note im not bashing android, but iphones stand up well to there rivals IMO
yet its because of apple that you android ppl are getting apple forces them the only thing android has was larger a tech area hardware doesnt mean anything if the os cannot use it to its full potential....and years a back when the 1st iphone was released nothing was near it....NB note im not bashing android, but iphones stand up well to there rivals IMO

To tell you the truth man, the hardware does matter and Android does make use of it, not in the context you mean but in terms of having better cameras and better screens, Android has it. In that regard the software makes full use.

iPhone stands up to its rivals because a lot of people just want to do things, Android often requires extra configuration I find and so most people who just want to get things done may not want to go through all that and then again, a lot of people I know who have iPhones think its amazing but those same people ended up switching to Android and now swear by Nexus devices or otherwise.

I like where this is going, iPhone was revolutionary but was is the key term in that statement. There was a time when ARM11s were great, now they're not. They've been overtaken by the newer ARMv7 architecture and in the same way, I see what admin means, its that as it stands Android pretty much edges out depending on uses since it allows for a more open and free type of usage vs all the security and restriction of iOS.

On a more serious note, anybody think Windows Phone was an OS with rel potential that just never changed in the right ways? I mean... I had an HTC Surround, Windows Phone 7, then 7.5... THere was barely any major changes that made a difference to me. I used the Lumia 520 and that was WP 8 and it felt the same to me. Its a good concept which never was developed to me.
Windows phone still have alot of potential just microsoft needs to iron out stuff which there are doing now with windows 10 which i like as i tried the windows line up b4(800,900,920) and they had this issue with whatsapp msgs not being pulled as fast as android and ios and was a big pet peeve for me.... but what i mean is ios uses its hardware its given to the full and the apps are optimized for just feels like muscle IMO.........
Oh , what a lovely topic! First let me start by giving you guys a brief background on my phone history. My first sort of, smartphone was the Motorola A1200, I then bought the original iphone, and proceeded to stick with Apple up to the 4S. I then switched to the Samsung Galaxy S3, then to the Note 2, 3, Hauwei Ascend Mate, and then decided recently to switch from my Note 3 back to an IOS device. I got a 5S, then upgraded to the Iphone 6, albeit with a cracked screen...yet to fix :confused: I have rooted every android phone I've owned, dual booted and basically ran every phone I ever had through the ringer. lol. I've also jailbroken all of my iphones and ipads. So needless to say I know my way around both of these systems very well.

Having been an advocate for Android for many years, touting the superiority of andriod, in terms on specs, features, screen size, etc. I have to say when it comes to optimization, Apple blows android out of the water...hands down! Forget about 1gb vs 3gb ram, or quad core cpus. After using my Note 3 extensively, overclocking etc, the iphone runs faster, smoother, crashes less. It beats Andriod in most categories. So saying that Android is years ahead in terms of specs, maybe true, but ios and it's optimization puts andriod to shame! I love customizing, I've used Ubuntu, Miui, Aokp, aosp roms, my phone has looked like a Windows phone one day, iphone the next, yet, as hard as I'm finding it to believe, I like ios more. Especially jailbroken, I've yet to find it lacking when compared to android.

Now with regards to the camera, don't be fooled by megapixels, while you may get a higher resolution shot, the picture quality and software processing on ios is insane! It takes pics extremely fast, the autofocus is second to none, it takes excellent night photos, and it does this with zero customization necessary! I had a huge issue with my note 3 focusing on moving objects and taking blurry pics, that's not an issue with the iphone.

Take a look at these pics:



Would you believe that both pics at the top were taken at the same time, a second apart? The only difference was where I chose to focus, tap the top of the screen or the bottom.
Same applies to the two flower pics below. All four pics were taken with an iPhone 5S.
So i'm basically not going to say much in this comment but i will leave this picture for you IPHONE guys and girls to glimpse, ok people.

Ah boy, I used that same pic and laughed at my iphone friends before.....BUT my wife had a Nexus 4 and I have an iphone 6. If you use both devices, you would hide in a corner in shame, afraid the utter the words android or iphone ever again! You just made that argument for me. lol In 2012, Android had relatively the same specs in their phone as iphone has today, yet what Apple did with that hardware vesus what android did, shows just how advanced they are with the optimization of their software and their superior knowledge when it comes to harnessing power from their devices!
Don't worry i know the pic still hurting so i will not hit your hard for now. Android is an open source Os and it has to be compatible with over 100 different devices eg Samsung, Motorola etc, When compared to iOS who has the compatibility of one device the iphone. Google are not making any money from companies using their Open source Os Android. So for that being said Compatibility and being open source it still better than ios.
^^^^^LOL...why give the compatibility of many???? what apple basically saying if u want a I product then buy it......but when it comes to making use of the hardware which is given android still behind as i pics manga addict post from the i6 is one of the best shooters among the flagships basically still has work to improve on so does apple......that pic point less apple...when adroid came with nfc it was just a brag...when the iphone 6 came with nfc they rolled out apple pay and is pushing it for banks etc
Lol I'm loving this debate guys. I must unfortunately say that Blu has an amazing camera in their Life Pure XL. Its even better than the Xperia Z2 camera by a fair margin.

I'm not going to debate it, ios has optimization but thats preetty much what you iphone guys got. Every iOS forward comment i read here is optimization on optimization lol.
^^^ You go read that alot because as the two os mature they get features like one another but its what u like the close ecosystem of ios as its hardware not all ova like android and get equal or better performance in some places or that of android which is open and allows the user to customize it to his liking and have a powerful enough hardware incase the oem dont release the latest software for it they can flash it ova from the droid community (xda-developers)-for those who dont know
Not all dealing with optimization, one of the biggest draws to iOS for me is the apps. Sure, you get more free apps with Android. The quality of iOS apps is better IMO though, and for the categories I'm interested in, there are many more apps available for iOS than Android, and for free too. Also, the apptivity cases for Apple devices are a huge factor if you have kids or allow kids to use your devices. I have yet to find something similar for Android. While there are many cases for Android, as far as I know from people who have tried apptivity cases, it's enough of a plus to get an Apple device.