About the swine flu vaccines


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
Yes about what the minister said about the vaccines arriving to the country as you can see for you self it only for dignitaries ministers and people with high position in this country. Because seriously i have a sister doing nursing and they deal with the sick every day why is it that they are not the one to get the vaccines first, but not only that do you not see pople dieing for swine flu still yes why were they not given the swine flu vaccine. WHAT kinda of madness going on in this country it have vaccines give it to the people who dieing for the swine flu but again it we will allow this to happen why because we like it this way. So lets all suffer unless you support the prime minister that only when you will get work and basic things needed for a daily life
Yes its true the swine flu vaccine has alot of side effects and some people would be allergic to it but the ministry is not informing the people about this which is wrong. Raucous i'm not talking about if you feel to go for it or not but for those who are going in the hospital to work and those who maybe have it give it to them.
i dont trust our health people to do anything right. At least not in south, i'm convinced its something or someone there that had a role in the deaths... i think they'll fail to handle this too.. so thats why i not in a hurry..
I too got that email concerning the side effects fo the swine flu vaccine. And I must admit that i'm a bit skeptical about getting it...if they will ever administer it to the citizens anytime soon....
i heard it and all. teachers as well as children was advising us to not take it and ask first what is the effects and stuff if they have to take it. people be very careful
Not ginea pigs... The people who made the vaccine are well aware of the side effects because they tested on human before. Those were the ginea pigs. We're just the catalyst to start the process of providing billions of dollars to the select few.In the so-called pandemic of this swine flew, Pharmaceutical company stand to rake in billions of dollars in swine-flu vaccines sales...
But who knows...maybe we "should" get vaccinated? :Blink:
We take chances with everything we do, i doubt that bad things happen to EVERYONE that takes the vaccine... they'd be really stupid to announce it like that.. i'd take it if i had to!( i don't think i have to lol) Just i'm hoping my h1n1 infection left me immune to the variants lol
good luck with that wish. Even if you had the swine flu and got over it. i doubt you'll be immune to it. It a variant of the common influenza A virus. Similar to the common cold. We all cathc the cold, but when we get over it, we aren't immune to it. We still catch the cold later on when the colf season comes back around.
yesterday ah went in for test coz ah have few flu symptom an d doctor didn't ask me
if ah want d vaccine, he said if d symptoms persist come bk in two days,
so by dat time ah done dead!!! who foolin who now, is it d media or d minister!!!
no vaccine in d doc office for we who mabe sick wit d virus :evil:

and no ah doh have it ok!!!
Nobody eh fooling yuh..Remember he say that the first batch are for decision makers...So de "important" people getting it first then...us..(the small insignificant population).
omg well i had the flu whole of last month so i went by the doctor and took a test but it came back negative for swine flu. thank god i didn't take the vaccine because i hear it has alot of side effects
Well, so far so good for me...I aint had a flu or nothing in a while...
Yup same here i tryna keep fit and eating healthy. cannot stand another sickness
What ever happened about this is the swine flu vaccine being distributed Through out the country for the local fokes ?
I heard there are side effects to this vaccine... Don't take it if yuh not sick...
True and on cable tv they telling you to make sure and come for it although it have several risks