A Trini Joke


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
The angel Gabriel came to the Lord and said, "Ah have to talk to you, yes.It have some Trinis up here in Heaven who causing real problems.
Dey swinging on the Pearly Gates, my horn missing,
BBQ sauce and
curry all over dey robe; cow-heel , chicken-foot and pigtail bone all over the streets
of Gold.
Some ah dem walkin around with one wing saying is ah
style, dey late taking turn keeping de stairway to Heaven clean, it have ah setta
watermelon seed all over the clouds and dem, dey only playing
ah setta soca
an dub, some ah dem protesting saying dat they entitled to public holidays
and carnival, an some ah dem ent wearing dey halos, saying it doh
fit with
dey hairstyles."

The Lord said, " I made them special, as I did you, my angel.
Heaven is home to all my children. If you really want to know about
call up the Devil".

The devil answered the phone, "Hello?" "....wha de......
hole on
The devil returned to the phone and said, " Yeah Lord, wha
The Lord replied, "Tell me what kind of problems you are
having down
there. The devil said, "Ooohh... hole on... hole on" and put the
Lord on
hold. After 5 minutes he returned to the phone, and said "Eh heh... what it is yuh ask meh jus now?"
The Lord said, "What kind of problems are you having down
there?" The devil said, "Buh eh eh....look, hole on again fuh
This time the devil was gone for 15 minutes. The devil returned andsaid, "Look I sorry eh, but I cyah talk to yuh right now nah. Dem Trinis
and dem
put out de fire again, and now dey installing air
conditioning in
hahahahahahaahha omg hahahahahahahahahah i wudda be d one who spitting watermelon seeds on the clouds
Re:Ah True True Trickidadian

Jonesy buy a donkey from Ramsingh, a old farmer pardner, for $300. Ramsingh agree to deliver the donkey the next day.

Next day, Ramsingh drive up and said, "Sorry Jonesy but I have some bad news. The donkey dead.''

"Well gie me back meh money,'' said Jonesy.

"Worse news boy, I went and spen it already.''

"OK, then. Just unload the donkey.''

"Wha yuh go do wid him?'' asked Ramsingh.

"You doh worry, I go raffle him.''

"You cyar raffle a dead donkey. Yuh mad or what!''

"Who say so...you makin joke. Watch me. I ent tellin nobody he dead,'' said Jonesy.

A month later Ramsingh bounce up Jonesy in the market.

"Jonesy, wha happen with yuh dead donkey boy?''

Jonesy replied, "Ah raffle him off nuh. Ah sell 500 tickets at five dollars and ah rake in $2,500.''

"Nobody eh make noise?''

"Only de fella who win. So ah gie him back he five dollars!''

A woman stuck her head into a hair salon and asked, 'How
long before I can get a wash & curl?'
The beautician looked around the salon full of customers
and said, 'about 2 hours.' The woman left.
A few days later, the same woman stuck her head in the
door and asked, ' how long before I can get a wash & curl?'
The beautician looked around at the salon and said,'
about 3 hours.' The woman left.
A week later, the same woman stuck her head in the salon
and asked, ' How long before I can get a wash & curl?'
The beautician looked around the salon and said, 'about
a hour and a half.' The woman left.
The beautician turned to her girlfriend and said, 'Hey
Juanita, do me a favor.
Follow that woman and see where she goes. She keeps
asking how long she has to wait for a wash & curl,
but then she doesn't ever come back.'
A little while later, Juanita returned to the salon, laughing
hysterically. The beautician asked, 'So, where does that woman go when
she leaves?'
Juanita looked up, wiped the tears from her eyes and
said, 'Your man's house
Re: Re:Ah True True Trickidadian

admin said:
Jonesy buy a donkey from Ramsingh, a old farmer pardner, for $300. Ramsingh agree to deliver the donkey the next day.

Next day, Ramsingh drive up and said, "Sorry Jonesy but I have some bad news. The donkey dead.''

"Well gie me back meh money,'' said Jonesy.

"Worse news boy, I went and spen it already.''

"OK, then. Just unload the donkey.''

"Wha yuh go do wid him?'' asked Ramsingh.

"You doh worry, I go raffle him.''

"You cyar raffle a dead donkey. Yuh mad or what!''

"Who say so...you makin joke. Watch me. I ent tellin nobody he dead,'' said Jonesy.

A month later Ramsingh bounce up Jonesy in the market.

"Jonesy, wha happen with yuh dead donkey boy?''

Jonesy replied, "Ah raffle him off nuh. Ah sell 500 tickets at five dollars and ah rake in $2,500.''

"Nobody eh make noise?''

"Only de fella who win. So ah gie him back he five dollars!''

ha ha this one sick
madsuya said:

A woman stuck her head into a hair salon and asked, 'How
long before I can get a wash & curl?'
The beautician looked around the salon full of customers
and said, 'about 2 hours.' The woman left.
A few days later, the same woman stuck her head in the
door and asked, ' how long before I can get a wash & curl?'
The beautician looked around at the salon and said,'
about 3 hours.' The woman left.
A week later, the same woman stuck her head in the salon
and asked, ' How long before I can get a wash & curl?'
The beautician looked around the salon and said, 'about
a hour and a half.' The woman left.
The beautician turned to her girlfriend and said, 'Hey
Juanita, do me a favor.
Follow that woman and see where she goes. She keeps
asking how long she has to wait for a wash & curl,
but then she doesn't ever come back.'
A little while later, Juanita returned to the salon, laughing
hysterically. The beautician asked, 'So, where does that woman go when
she leaves?'
Juanita looked up, wiped the tears from her eyes and
said, 'Your man's house

oh shit! na! dat woman sick
mala an indar in st anns!!!

indar and mala were both patients in a mental hospital...One day while dey
were walking past d hospital swimming pool...indar suddenly jumped into d deep end an sank to the bottom of d pool an stayed there...mala quickly jumped in to save em...She swam to the bottom and pulled indar out.

Wen d medical director became aware of mala's heroic act....he immediately ordered her to be discharged from d hospital as he now considered her to be mentally stable.

When he went to tell mala d news he said, "mala I have gd news an
bad news...d gd news is ur being discharged...since u were able
to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in an saving the life of another patient....I have concluded dat ur act displays sound mindness....d bad news is indar d patient u saved...hung himself wit his bathrobe belt in d bathroom....I am so sorry...buh he's dead."

mala replied "He didn't hang himself.....I put him there to dry."