15yrs teen girl murder by 27 yrs lover????


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Active Member
Jun 16, 2008
This story had me real confused from both murdered and suicidial victims..... The fifteen year old, a student from Cap's High School travelling everyday of the week with the victim , 27 years old man, a PH taxi driver.....According to reports the girl was murder by the guy who later ingested poison....
The parents of the girl claim that both of them were not involve with each other and that she only travells with him to school....WAS THAT TRUE?

After this incident happened, the government now decided to crack down on PH drivers.....
Cracking down on ph taxi drivers is one issue that must be viewed on both sides.In some areas in this country having the public transport system is just not enough to sustain the functionality of some communities.What would happen to people that work really late and cant get a bus to go home,or a h car because they already in their bed or retired for the night.Further more what will happen on public holidays when the government public transport system is inoperable for the day and rural communities are left to fend for themselves.Also there are alot of ph taxi drivers that 'pull bull' for a living,what must these people now do to sustain themselves financially and support their families,this brings into question crime and the effects this situation will have on it. Also it says that if some ph taxi drivers use their vehicles as a source of livelihood then why don't they just get a h license in the first place but in the end I guess its a personal choice on what you really want to use you vehicle to do.
Cracking down on ph drivers that do taxi service is also not a bad venture as it is an easy way for the evil in this society to use this system to prey on the vulnerable and also what's to say that the mischievous ones can't equally use the h cars for doing horrendous deeds , and also it could be a way to get some of these ph drivers to regularize themselves and get the appropriate license to continue to service.I think if ph drivers are using their vehicles to make an honest living then that fine but we as members of the traveling public must be aware of these ph drivers at all time,don't just jump in a vehicle just because they say they going your way,in fact because of the times we live,even if you are stranded at night and you are on the taxi stan,see if you see anyone in your surroundings also waiting for transport and keep close if you know them,and only get into ph cars if you know the driver through previous personal interaction an make sure an txt or call loved ones that you finally got transport and who is bringing you home and furthermore even if the vehicle has other passengers in it don't get it in once you dont know the person.But it was sad to see that this ph taxi driver knew the girl so long so even self if you know someone sometimes you don't really know their inner motives.
My heartfelt condolences go out to the parents,relatives and friends of Zareen Ansana Mohammed,as it is always very very sad to see the youth of our nation lose their lives so horribly through the social scourge of crime.
I didn't even hear this story but i wanna just say everyone be careful in chaguanas please watch ur backs i am warning you especially under the fly over and by mid centre mall and them areas
I dont understand what happen between them but i want to know if H drivers are any safer to travel with.
I'm one of those people who take ph cars and i'm sure i'll be affected. But i understand completely that the law has to be enforced. Hopefully there will be more legal taxis when you need one.
Not to come out too much of the story but PH drivers should be banned......

Police certificate of good character $ 50.00
Inspection of car $ 150.00
4 Passport size pic $40.00
New # plates $50-70.00
Medical Exam $200.00
TOTAL $490.00-$510.00

Plying one's own car for hire on the road of T&T without getting a ticket .....PRICELESS!!!!

Im sure a driver makes more than this amount per day.....Y can't they do the right thing and get there car licence properly!!!!
i was listenin to the news on the radio bout trying to get rid of the ph drivers but i didnt know it was because of this, wow, but it probably is true because i know a few girls who with men wayyyyyy older then them
I hear how the number plate business gonna be shuted down and only one company gonna be selling them because they think is the people how making them doing these things............

We does make number plates and does make really good sale..we are not at fault is the people who coming by all of us with fake plates to make..how do we suppose to kow and if they really do that them a whole setta companies gonna lost profits
It's about 6.30 p.m. and a young woman wearing an apprehensive look, is waiting at a Central Trinidad taxi stand.

She is in a quandary. She is desperate to get home but she must ask a taxi driver to take her 'off route' along the Southern Main Road, where the 'round the road' taxis ply Chaguanas, Enterprise and its environs.

She could take a maxi-taxi but then she'd have to walk the extra distance home as some drivers and passengers consider hers to be a 'bad area'.

Some of the settlements off the main road, like the one to which the young woman will be going, are still 'in the bush', where the roads are bad and there are no streetlights.

Dressed in a manner befitting a secretary, the young woman finally stops one of the taxis passing by.

The driver of the car, a registered taxi with an "H" license plate, shakes his head 'no' and drives off. It's getting dark.

About five minutes later, the young lady eyes an oncoming car. The driver is middle-aged and there are two passengers, a man and a woman, in the car. The car is a 'PH', a private car that operates illegally as a taxi.

Nevertheless, the tired young woman, after deciding that the driver and passengers 'look safe', flags it down. The driver agrees to go off-route and the other passengers look slightly annoyed as the relieved young woman boards the taxi.

This young woman is one of hundreds of women who must rely on public transport and who, within the past year, have been placed at an increased risk of losing life and limb while using this service.

In Central in particular, a worrying number of women have disappeared or been found sexually assaulted and murdered with the blame falling largely on illegal PH drivers.

These women are being warned to travel only with registered taxis and even so, only with drivers they are familiar with. They are told to note licence plate numbers and to avoid taxis in which the passengers are only male or 'suspicious looking'.

Chaguanas Mayor, Suruj Rambachan, has repeatedly called for a sweep of the roads to remove 'PH' cars. At last Thursday's post cabinet press conference, Works and Transport Minister Colm Imbert announced his ministry's support of Acting Commissioner James Philbert's planned action against 'PH' drivers.

A significant increase in the 'PH' trade began when the foreign-used car industry made vehicles more affordable and many people who were unemployed, unemployable or who wished to be self-employed, decided to 'pull bull'.

Those who could afford it, would also buy several cars and then hire drivers to work for them.

But are the 'PH' cars really that much less safe than registered 'H"cars ?

Many female commuters feel there is a difference but they also felt that crimes could be committed by anyone.

"If someone has it in their mind to do something, they going do it whether they are 'PH' or taxi," said Sharon D, a 33-year-old commuter from Chaguanas to Freeport.

"So I don't know if you are ever really safe. But still, when you apply for a taxi license, your character becomes known and whether you have a police record, so I suppose that way it will keep out the criminals."

Another commuter told the Sunday Express that there are a lot more robberies and rapes of female passengers than the public was aware of. Many incidents were not reported to the police as the women fear being insensitively treated, their ordeals ignored and their privacy violated by gossiping cops, she said.

"Everybody is coming down on the 'PH' drivers but there have been many crimes involving taxi-drivers too, and nothing comes out of it," said Allison R, of Cunupia.

"If I jump into a registered taxi and there are two others passengers and then the driver goes down into some back road and drops them off, I will find myself alone in the taxi. Who's to say what will happen if the driver is a bad person? These crimes are being committed because everybody know that the police are ineffective and you could get away with anything."

But generally, most of the other people who spoke to the Sunday Express were against the use of 'PH" cars.

"Why are these people pulling bull?," asked Shariza A, also of Cunupia.

"It's because they cannot qualify for a taxi license, or they have some kind of problem with abiding by the law, so they should not be on roads transporting people. People are saying that the 'PH' drivers are filling a gap because there are not enough taxis, well then they should register themselves and join the taxis."

None of this, however, changes the fact that everyday, hundreds of vulnerable young women have to make their way home via public transport. Cellular telephones are kept handy while in the car and parents and husbands are notified upon entering a car, be it 'PH' or 'H'. For those with the means, alternative arrangements are made and families have changed their routines so that they drive their women around themselves.

On the Todd's Road taxi stand-where passengers are going as far as Caparo and Flanagin Town-the commuters are almost all women.

"We have to be real, real careful," said Giselle C, to nods from her fellow travellers.

"Plenty of us living in areas where there is plenty bush. But taxis for these areas real hard to get and we glad when we get even a 'PH' car. Sometimes the driver will go off route and your heart beating fast and you holding your cell phone in your hand in case of anything.

"I know one family where the girl's father made her leave her job in a store in Chaguanas, just because he didn't want her travelling. All of us can't do that. The women now try to stick together and if we see any small children on the stand, we try to keep an eye on them. It is easy for people with their cars to say that we shouldn't travel with the 'PH' drivers but we don't have a choice."
It's really difficult to get transport to remote area's so i guess they really have to depend on the PH drivers... But the thing im trying to understand is, how come passengers don't know the regular drivers from the new drivers...I would be very particular who i travel with and what time im travelling... So how is it that passenger boards a strange car... "don't talk to strangers" aka " don't travel with strangers"
See these days young girls seem to hold interest in older guys(men) and men who have cars, I'm not saying this is the case with this incident but young girls must know their place and know that most older males only want to use them for sex and as toys to do as they please. When i was going to school i used to see alot of girls falling in love with their maxi drivers, they only want to be in the front seat so the driver could touch them. And this is facts its true it happens
Yep its true....Young girls like older men....They get more attention from them than younger boys ....Younger boys tend to be childish because thats the way they suppose to be. But men who already know all the tricks in the book knows how to handle those situation but some get so involve they reach to desperate measures as result to the above topic headline.....