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    sorry was away for awhile :icon_neutral:
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    2 cockroaches making love Must see

    uh geeeeeeeeeed an admin u were bored? :icon_eek: wtf
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    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    i have umbrella too and that still don't help
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    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    nope not guilty ever fart in an elevator? :icon_eek:
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    Raucous LOl at this pic

    ew :icon_eek:
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    Girls of Gaming

    ^you know how american chicks get implants to have larger boobs? big eyes are a big thing for asian chicks. you know that crease we have over our eyelids? they don't have that and they have surgery to get the crease over their eyes. weird huh?
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    Stupid A@# Drivers!

    The best thing to get is one of them old rusty bedford trucks. When you stuck in traffic and a dotish shoulder driver want to cut infront of you bounce he blasted mother so and so and then laugh at him. :icon_twisted: when they don't want to wait in traffic on the emr and decide to take a...
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    Stupid A@# Drivers!

    that sound similar to what happened to me and my bf last week. we were in st. augustine on the emr before the lights by hilo. so you know how there are 2 lanes by those lights, one to turn right and the other to continue straight on the emr. so we are about to filter onto the lane to turn right...
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    Whats your gross out limit ... Foods

    paw paw = yuck! i don't like baigan cuz it looks like snot :icon_frown:
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    25 days of christmas thread

    boy this is one christmas ppl might not be getting anything from me :icon_neutral: my bf and i have so many things to do and fix. we're getting married either the end of this yr or early next yr and we're busy renovating his house and fixing up things. so the last thing on our mind is...
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    Whaz d plans for today?

    work work work, post on the forums, work, play d fool, scratch, dig and go home
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    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    Not explode but more like melt :icon_mrgreen: does that count? :icon_cool: Ever chook a jepnest and had to run and hide before u get sting?
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    3 persons alone today

    aye sorry but weekends i don't ever be home to be online :icon_mrgreen: :icon_cheesygrin: remember the last thing some ppl want to do on weekends is come on a pc. well me that is. i spend all my working time on a pc and on weekends i want to hang out and lime and just relax. so you will...
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    Questioning your faith

    ^true lol I like when ppl are open-minded. I don't like when they are blinded by religion and can never open their minds to the idea that religion may be interpreted wrong.
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    Questioning your faith

    i dunno lol but it don't look like ppl get their prayers answered much because the world is full of shit right now
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    If you had a superpower, what would it be?

    that power and superman in a catwoman outfit you will never see :icon_mrgreen:
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    Questioning your faith

    ^lol lol what i mean is that i cant believe in God but not follow the path or rules of one particular religion. i can pray and just live life happy. i dont necessarily have to go to church or live my life according to what the church or anybody tells me. :icon_lol:
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    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    wait...i shoulda ask if you could get that instead of telling you :icon_lol:
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    Offical Talk Yuh Talk Old Talk Thread!

    ohhhhhhhhhh :icon_cheesygrin: well in that case, get a popcorn smiley and a vomit smiley :icon_mrgreen: