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  1. ink

    Number 1 ass in T&T

    that man is not no ass he is are RETARDed ass lol, the cda men should see him and look him up :Throw:
  2. ink

    O-R-A-L S-E-X

    oral sex its great, i love it lol, i love doing it and hearin my female partner make those funny noises its toatally great :icon_cool:
  3. ink

    do u want are stranger

    hahahha boil them u say
  4. ink

    do u want are stranger

    scene i was thinkin the same thing she must be hot as in real hot
  5. ink

    do u want are stranger

    well do u want are stranger to have intercourse with for the first time. well many ppl goes to hoe house as they call it (mostly male) am i right? :icon_eek:
  6. ink

    games for nintendo 64

    does any one have nitendo 64, i am ink i am willin to trade or buy your games :icon_twisted: