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  1. cjunkie13

    The Upcoming Films 2013

    i've recently seen a haunted house (it was AWESOME!) now the only ones i really REALLY want to see are: the last stand, broken city, mama, hansel & gretel, bullet to the head, identity theft, a good day to die hard, & the heat, i can't wait
  2. cjunkie13

    Words Of Wisdom

    dont ever try 2 follow what others say or are yourself & if you stop being who you are, then all of your magic will be gone...
  3. cjunkie13

    What's most important in a good game?

    the storyline has 2 be really good & is one of the most important things; i dont wanna get bored while playing because im tired of the story, the gameplay has 2 be completely smooth, & graphics have to be awesome; i will lose interest 2 fast if the game im looking at has bad graphics...&...
  4. cjunkie13

    What is the best videogame u ever played?

    i got it 4 xbox 360...i love it so im more addicted 2 playin dragon age 2 now...
  5. cjunkie13

    Words Of Wisdom

    if u luv sumthin, let it go...if it comez back 2 u, itz urz...if it doeznt, then it never waz n da 1st place...
  6. cjunkie13

    What is the best videogame u ever played?

    i find myself completely addicted 2 playin skyrim a lot lately...itz seriously da best game ive played n a really long time...
  7. cjunkie13

    What is the best videogame u ever played?

    ive actually been thinkin of playin dat...1 of my other friendz kinda told me bout it...i mite hav 2 really check it out...
  8. cjunkie13

    movies must see!!!

    movie i saw recently dat i thought waz awesome...underworld: awakening...i luved da action through da whole thing...
  9. cjunkie13

    What is the best videogame u ever played?

    im currently obsessed wit playing world at war, modern warfare 3, & battlefield 3...ive beaten mw3 already though...
  10. cjunkie13

    sweet words

    bein a friend 2 sum1 iznt just bout sharin conversation, or joke, or even a cup of coffee...bein a friend meanz sharing a true & honest part of urself...
  11. cjunkie13

    Words Of Wisdom

    if u wanna change sumthin n ur life, 4get wat everybody else thinkz, sez, or wantz...itz UR life...U should decide wat U want...not sum1 else..
  12. cjunkie13


    im glad u all enjoy da random jokez i happen 2 come across...i hav a few more ive decided 2 put up...hope u all enjoy these 3 az much az i did... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (1 Bob Smith, my assistant programmer, can always be found 2...
  13. cjunkie13

    Words Of Wisdom

    life iznt bout waitin 4 ur happy endin...itz bout figurin out wat makz u happy & makin it ur reality...
  14. cjunkie13

    random wordz

    bring ur randomness 2 me...just let it out...i hav a few random thingz 2 get out... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SMILE!!! it makz ppl wonder wat uve been up really really big & ppl will cross da street... :icon_cheesygrin: hm...lookz lik...
  15. cjunkie13

    sweet words

    happiness iz a choice ppl mak...itz not sumthin dat just happenz 2 u...
  16. cjunkie13


    ok...i completely admit thiz iz prolly slightly disgustin but i just had 2 share it... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once upon a time there lived a woman who had a maddening passion for baked beans. She loved them but unfortunately they had always had a very embarrassing...
  17. cjunkie13

    Something To make your day better

    wow...ok waznt expectin dat...
  18. cjunkie13

    What is Your Latest Hooker ?

    I'm hooked on playin my nintendo ds...I've been plain it a lot more now...
  19. cjunkie13

    jokez itz been a while since ive posted some jokez...but im back wit a few ive heard... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (one day in the convent the nuns had their morning prayer session. at the end of the prayer session, the head nun stood up &...
  20. cjunkie13

    What is Your Favorite Energy Drink?

    my top fav would b redbull...redbull iz sooo good...i drink 1 of on a friday morning then another n da middle of da day...i get sooo hyper cuz of them...loco mocha monster iz nex...then rockstar iz last...