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  1. RauCous

    TSTT Emergency Service

    LOl it was strange seeing odpm in a text but its a good step for preparedness!
  2. RauCous

    Another call for women to be careful

    It's shame that people care more about fashion than they do about safety. I don't think Trinidad society knows what to do in abusive relationships, it like a fact of life here its only when somebody dies we see it as a problem :/ What about the people who cant function day to day on the most...
  3. RauCous

    Criminals To Be Hang In Square

    I think it scarier to die alone, these criminals so anti societal putting them in front of a heckling crown will just prove them right. If it's punishment, it should still be humane no need to dehumanize people to prove a point. Its not really a measure against crime, This is just to pacify the...
  4. RauCous

    Criminals To Be Hang In Square

    I though this was a bad Joke! Just typical of us to make a spectacle of death. :nono: Guess it's back to the dark ages...
  5. RauCous

    Linux MultiMedia Studio

    It's been a looong while sine i've posted free software so here goes, LMMS aka Linux MultiMedia Studio is a free (open source?) music sequencer that anyone can use. truly anyone, you don't even need to be able to read music, all the musical qualities of the project are graphically portrayed...
  6. RauCous


    lol seriously that VS movie has no real audience, who will watch that.. lol
  7. RauCous

    The Rains Have Not Abandoned Us

    lol, it kinda dry here in Diego.
  8. RauCous

    33 miners trapped inside a mine in Chile

    Ya'll see the news where 33 miners were trapped in Chile? :icon_neutral: All of them are alive but wait till you see how long it will take to get them out! Video: m5s9ugeAoDY The 33 miners trapped inside a coal and copper mine in Chile were found after alive after more than two weeks. As...
  9. RauCous

    happy birthday karina

    Happy Birthday yo!!! :super:
  10. RauCous


    EEW i'm so perverted! lol :haha:
  11. RauCous

    The Expendables.

    It's doing well in the box office, they're taking time releasing it internationally. IT should easily make a profit.
  12. RauCous


    My antivirus blocking it, i fraid to look now! :Confused:
  13. RauCous

    You are priceless

    YO that's awesome! :clap:
  14. RauCous

    Look at this ! Drug lords yes!

    DRUG DEN FOR RICH By NALINEE SEELAL and ALEXANDER BRUZUAL Saturday, August 21 2010 A day after they made one of the biggest weapons seizures, police described the Valsayn mansion of late millionaire contractor Hafeez Karamath as a drug den for the rich; a factory for the manufacture of exotic...
  15. RauCous

    Pt Fortin Serial Rapist

    If this really is the man, he might stay there for life!
  16. RauCous

    Abu Bakrs Property for sale.

    I wonder if any of them rich like Bakr to buy back their houses. :)
  17. RauCous

    Pt Fortin Serial Rapist

    From C news: Suspected Point Fortin rapist caught by Police 20 year old man.. pffft!
  18. RauCous

    Stupid criminals!!

    Taking pleasure in the suffering of others is exactly what these people do, that how they can do these horrible things, i don't want to be like that.
  19. RauCous

    The Rape-aXe

    He in Point Fortin, he rape five people within the space of a month.