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  1. RauCous

    digicel prepaid internet ... finally

    Too my phone too lame hahaha, i could only load low spec pages
  2. RauCous

    Kamla in hot water

    I don't have a problem with her thinking it it's just strange how obvious she made it sound.
  3. RauCous

    10 Reasons to Celebrate Diwali

    I didn't get to light no deya! :| I Get food though :P
  4. RauCous

    Kamla in hot water

    Talking about monetizing humanitarian aid lol woops! Kamla heavily criticised for relief aid comments By Aabida Allaham Story Created: Nov 4, 2010 at 11:32 PM ECT Story Updated: Nov 4, 2010 at 11:32 PM ECT People in Trinidad so stingy and lack empathy, same time they turn around and want...
  5. RauCous

    R.I.P Renaul Dopson

    that gross! :( It might not sound fair but if you kill or injure someone you will get processed regardless of the pain you are in, investigating early is the only way to get evidence, both sides will benefit from that. I still don't understand how this accident happen, if they directing...
  6. RauCous

    Student Laptops

    Yeah i was hoping i would be netbooks :| a boy i know says they are not nearly as small as that :S, he got his Friday.
  7. RauCous

    Taxi drivers =/= Pedophiles!

    From newsday This is a good bill, especially the video part, this way victims who are too traumatized should still be able to give their story to a court. Also the secondary witness part, so if you tell a friend they can back you up in court when trail comes. It's always better to act...
  8. RauCous

    Taxi drivers =/= Pedophiles!

    I mean not all of them are interfering with the girls lol. This is how the make money, the drivers that is, if nobody like you or your maxi that mean you make less money. Not all girls who wait for special maxis are doing it because of any sexual relation to the driver, but the driver doesn't...
  9. RauCous

    More Spills Again!

    Even a desalination plant could be a hazard if not maintained properly, if we know Trinidad cant maintain a smelter then fine, but nothing is inherently dangerous if people follow proper protocol.
  10. RauCous

    Chilean miner rescue

    Wow i cant believe i didn't see this here before lol, i was following it as much as i could.
  11. RauCous

    Latapy May Get Two More Years.

    We just lost to Jamaica 1-0. Latapy sound to me a bit sad. :| Anil Roberts already threaten his job lol I don't know half of our players anymore, i guess it's a good sign that new players are coming in.
  12. RauCous

    Weird Dreams

    I dream it had a hurricane coming Trinidad! How that happen I don't know.
  13. RauCous

    Pt Fortin Serial Rapist

    The media let this drop, i never heard anything else about it. :S
  14. RauCous

    No Chutney For NAPA

    Napa can be seen from Costaatt i never realized that! seriously!
  15. RauCous

    POLTERGIEST!!! do u believe? watch if u dare

    For a scaredy cat like me nothing weird does ever happen lol Lol puberty? that's some serious hormones to cause that!
  16. RauCous

    Student Laptops

    The children in my area still waiting for their laptops, they see it on news and they getting impatient lol., I wonder how they distributing them, if it's area by area or alphabetically or something.
  17. RauCous


    Re: Por-no_graphy IS NOT ONLY ADULTS Talk about it i see the new black label advertisement, you know there used to be guidelines about what kind of ads yo could show at a certain time?
  18. RauCous

    Delayed Write Failed error

    This started happening again and my brother called his friend and he did a full xp install :nono: no more project files! :rolleyes: i'm sure it's a hard disk issue and it will happen again! but hopefully i'll learn my lesson about backing up lol
  19. RauCous

    Student Laptops

    It was proposed that they children have to pay for it. I hope they don't go through with that.
  20. RauCous

    digicel prepaid internet ... finally

    YYYEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta go buy a sim now lol!