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Naruto & Bleach. dont really watch anime but ive seen a couple episodes in naruto & bleach and dey are awesome. my bros are the anime freaks in the family.
i agree. digicels internet rates are wayyy too high! digicel not givin tstt enuf competition. its lik digicel has given up alredi. if gprs is so expensive then imagine how much 3G will cost wen its implemented. :icon_sad:
lol for real eh. tight pants isnt my style. i dont mine wearin a fitted jersey, i will wear anything dat is comfortable to me and tight clothes isnt comfortable.
Re: A Hope For Love ~by Aaron~ :)
the vid was meant to be more heart warming.not sad. wel i guess it did turn out to be a bit on the emo side but i guess dats part of how i felt while mekin it. look out for my second vid ;) ill try not to mek it sad dis time
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