/ is a forum platform for Trinbagonians to connect, discuss topics, share information, and engage in Trinidad & Tobago. Join us today and engage in meaningful conversations!
just remember for those partaking in the challenge to drive safely and take them selfies for the challenge in a safe parked position with ignition off.......... before allyuh geh pull over from police lmao
Welcome one and all to the forum! hope you guys enjoy it! really exciting stuff coming up guys so stay tuned!!
ive been MIA for a while so i do apologize for the late welcome! but nevertheless we're happy you guys are aboard!
noisemaker boiiiiii sounding rell clean bro!! excellent work, and them prices reall good! i hadda check yuh ah day bro!
when i finally get the time to install my music, is tune boi tune!! (in senses of the word xD) lmao!
excellent service being offered! for those whose privacy is essential this is perfect! hopefully we can aid you with advertising of these services further! please feel free to message us about anything concerning the forum!
thank you very much!
has anyone been able to contact matt dongs? i was actually hoping to acquire an account for netflix since top gear is now cancelled, it would have been of great help!
hahaha this is an awesome mod i saw before on Kipkay!
i would really like to try it! however i dont have any LED cable so i cant run it, anyone know where i can get so i can post my project on here?
Guys i would not recommend using any whatsapp aftermarket (or even original apps) downloaded from the internet as APK files, the new updated playstore whatsapp is constantly cross referencing numbers to genuine accounts, and people are receiving Banned accounts from now on, i have received my...
yep guys if anyone needs tech help or repairs feel free to contact any one of the mods, or you can contact me directly for repairs/help @ 3369874 - Adesh Ramjit , ReadyTech Solutions.
well guys important day today!!!!
Samsung galaxy S6
Samsung galaxy S6 (edge)
Oneplus Two (rumoured)
Sony rumoured to shut down phone production line
Oxygen OS announcements
anyone else excited?
so most of the seasons for most of the shows are over! now the long wait to new seasons are among us.
time to fill in the gap with IMPRACTICAL JOKERS NEW SEASON!
My ringtone has changed again, this one has been here for a while, ... but the 2 previous ringtones i had, in corresponding order is
1st ringtone change after eminem ft.sia
2nd ringtone (and my current one, not changing this for a while)...
according to the trinidad Express newspaper
WASA treatment plant back in service after diesel spillTHE Guanapo Water Treatment Plant is expected to be back in service by tomorrow, the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) has said.
WASA was forced to orchestrate an emergency shutdown of the plant...
i love wildlife documentaries , i cant really watch it due to my internet speed being slower than a honda, but i like the fact that people are raising awareness of wildlife in T&T.
it shows a general concern to the nearly extinct wildlife that only exists in trinidad and tobago! We should all...
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