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  1. Snowwhite1

    What do you all think about abortion in T n T?

    I strongly agree with you Joseph!
  2. Snowwhite1

    DO you think we can be the best forum/website in T&T?

    ofcourse trinispice could be de best!! its already de number 1 and my number 1!
  3. Snowwhite1

    Treatment Of Women

    de world is like that today, alot of sychos.. you neva know who is who. you cud watch sum1 walkin an thinks they look so descent an this time they're a serial kiler.. i does wonder for meh self if these ppl have a brain or if they don't know what they're doing, how can u rape or kill sum1..
  4. Snowwhite1

    Ever had sex in a dream?

    you would be surprised to know, how much sickos it have outside here today who does actually encourage dem tings..
  5. Snowwhite1

    Vagrant Funny Videos In TRINIDAD

    dem vagrants does real crak me up, i walkin in san fernando an one ah dem sayin ''sexy u eh lov meh'' an he walkin up to me an i star to walk real
  6. Snowwhite1

    What Did You Macko Today?

    well i didnt macko but lastnight i hear mny cosin bed rocking handsdown, lol, and when de bed hit de wall, it sounding hard lol.. she only get married last 2 :icon_cheesygrin:
  7. Snowwhite1

    Ever had sex in a dream?

    Oh yea karina an sean, it does really be spirits having sex with you. its creepy cuz if u continue to encourage it to have sex with you then eventually you will become demon possessed..
  8. Snowwhite1

    Is Masturbation A Sin lol ?

    lol, ahaha ... i got no comments lol...
  9. Snowwhite1

    Vagrant Funny Videos In TRINIDAD

    This video is sooooo
  10. Snowwhite1

    hey evryone

    yes lantern its
  11. Snowwhite1

    What do you all think about abortion in T n T?

    i understand admin ry but say what its stil a life..
  12. Snowwhite1

    Treatment Of Women

    In this country today some men jus dont have respect for woman, some thing definely needs to be done!
  13. Snowwhite1

    hey evryone

    hey thanks everyone for the warm welcome lol.. no im nut that new hahahha.. oh yes and i am the number 1 fan for this site ok... yes an de chat room
  14. Snowwhite1

    What do you all think about abortion in T n T?

    Don't matter if you're raped or not its still a life your killing when u have abortion done. Its a human just like me and you.. A baby does neva be asked to come into this world..
  15. Snowwhite1

    What do you all think about abortion in T n T?

    Abortion in tnt is getting way out of hand, today there's alot of young females having abortions, i don't think they how dangerous it is when they have abortion,.. when you have an abortion you could damage yourself and to make it even worst, most of the people who do this may can't have...
  16. Snowwhite1

    hey evryone

    hey well i'm new here, so i'm just looking around the site and replying to topics... actually this is my first new topic.. lol
  17. Snowwhite1

    Anyone knows if villa still open?

    ofcourse villa capri still open, that's one place i dont think will ever shut down..
  18. Snowwhite1

    Teenage Pregnancy

    Teenage pregancy is gettin way out of hand today, just imagine babies having babies. thats not right because most of the time young parents neglect there kids,,
  19. Snowwhite1

    DO you think we can be the best forum/website in T&T?

    Yes this website can become the best in trinidad and tobago, this website has alot more stuff than the other local web.. its tops