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  1. CaptainLuffy

    would u rather

    Drink 1,000,000 Vaults I love them Wolud u rather eat 1,000,000,000 Limes or 2,000,000 Cow Pies
  2. CaptainLuffy

    why grannies shouldnt go to court..

    this not the time to be arguing
  3. CaptainLuffy

    would u rather

    Marry some beautiful and clueless Would u rather get stuck with a retarted person or a Perv?
  4. CaptainLuffy

    why grannies shouldnt go to court..

    if u keep doing wat u doing like drimk that water all the time
  5. CaptainLuffy

    why grannies shouldnt go to court..

    u may end up like a grumpy old woman
  6. CaptainLuffy

    would u rather

    get attacked by a bush Would u rather get stuck in quick sand or get stuck a the bottom of the ocean?
  7. CaptainLuffy

    Tree Car and Elephant

    An Elephant has a tusk
  8. CaptainLuffy

    would u rather

    A bird so i can eat the worm would u rather be a cow or a pig
  9. CaptainLuffy

    would u rather

    u need to make a ? after ur answer
  10. CaptainLuffy

    would u rather

    u need to make a ? after u answer the other person's ? like this Be in a manhole for the rest of my life Would u rather be eaten by a lion or a Pyathon
  11. CaptainLuffy

    Tree Car and Elephant

    the first part is right but the second one is wrong
  12. CaptainLuffy

    Tree Car and Elephant

    What does a tree, car, and an Elephant have in common and wat makes the car and tree different than the Elephant
  13. CaptainLuffy

    jokes... i think

    someone acutly sent those to me once
  14. CaptainLuffy

    Women Jokes?

    the last one is kind of true about women
  15. CaptainLuffy

    why grannies shouldnt go to court..

    that means she knows to much
  16. CaptainLuffy

    Coffee Machine

    that is one i never seen before :)
  17. CaptainLuffy

    super hard riddle

    it is a post box