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  1. SsG

    Xbox 360 LIVE UNITE

    u mad owa! i wonder how urs get d rrod jed hmm lol
  2. SsG

    Whats the story behind your username?

    casper fits u perfectly lol... hmm well i was a soundstream fanatic so i made the name SoundStream~Glow on other forums and then i just got the nicname SSG for short..sometimes called glow
  3. SsG

    Xbox 360 LIVE UNITE

    This can be a thread dedicated to everyone who is on xbox live. my xbox live name is : SpRaNg3r games i currently playing right now are: Halo3 gears of war 2 street fighter 4
  4. SsG

    Man Builds Batmobile Replica for $1 Million

    boy u mad o wat? laughing at you dem go bee like naah that reall baad lol
  5. SsG


    lol thanks for the welcome but late yuh say? it still early lol
  6. SsG

    Man Builds Batmobile Replica for $1 Million

    i wha one jed!....that real sick
  7. SsG

    Naruto Manga

    yea u gota watch a lil mroe and get into the story its really good , right now all kinda thing going on...sasuke is ah lil pretty boy
  8. SsG


    hey all i am am SsG aka vikash and i'm here to check out this kool forum ^^