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  1. S

    Emails that circulation to frighten young women

    I remember when trini was so sweet!..After playing Mas, I use to walk round the Savannah to get home all the while having no fear...It's a shame what they've done to my sweet Country..I long for those days :wacko:
  2. S

    World Ending Tomorrow May 21st?

    That makes two of
  3. S

    Farmville On Facebook

    I've been playing that for a while and I still don't know what I'm
  4. S

    World Ending Tomorrow May 21st?

    What utter nonsense!...And shame on those silly people for indulging this man in his foolishness..They must not read the Bible..I'm not a Christian and even I know the Bible says that not even Jesus or the Angels in Heaven will know so unless this man have a private line to God, I have no fear!
  5. S

    Maternity Ward Flooded Out

    I was about to read this story and then I stopped..Just the headline alone is ridiculous!..2011 folks and this happening in the "General hospital"!? ..The Government really need to get their priorities straight!..Instead of all the fancy art centers and all the other things that they constantly...
  6. S

    Emails that circulation to frighten young women

    Re: rapists at parties What is this world coming to!!???..This is such a shame that people can't even go out and enjoy themselves anymore without the fear that something like this could happen to them..These savages don't realise the extent of this sick act and the serious consequenses that...
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    O-R-A-L S-E-X

    Well let me put in my two cents...I LOVEEE IT!!!. Yes that's right..I use to have hang ups about that until one day this guy slobbered me down (chills just thinking about it)..That shit was so good and you know what made it even hotter , was the fact that he enjoyed me..Now I know this is not...
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    This is nonsense...I answered no to most of those questions and it still said I was 40% gay :Confused: .I think that darm quiz wants us all to be gay :Throw:
  9. S

    How to know if someone is in love with you

    By their actions period!..Anyone can say "I love you"..As a matter of fact , I think it's way too overused anyway ..People say I love you when they don't even like you :Confused:
  10. S

    Children burnt to death and parents got shot

    How do you make a conscious decision to kill a whole family or anyone for that matter?..These people have no soul..I actually feel sorry for them because anyone that would commit such a heinious crime could never of known love...May those kids and their parents rest in peace because those...