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  1. odinson

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    guilty........ ever ran in d beetam drunk and do ah break dance in d middle ah d road at 12'o'clock in d nite...
  2. odinson


    The Dark Princess Elo, meldis vain, Oh. my fair friend. Celestial scented blossoms, gracefully, thus never end. Le vain enni, you are beautiful to me. Enchanted by your smile, your embrace, sensually. O estel, calad tol, from hope, light appears. The warmth or your soul, drying away my...
  3. odinson

    Rate the display pic of the person above you

    take ah 8 looks celestial........
  4. odinson

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    guilty....buss ah chop on meh brother.......damn a-hole ever get drunk....took yuh samurai down Mayaro beach and shout," thunder, thunder, thundercats hoo!!!"........
  5. odinson

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    guilty.... Ever get caught having sex with your uncle's girlfriend?
  6. odinson

    Guilty Or Not Guilty?

    guilty ever made a peanut butter, ketchup, avocado, egg sandwich and fed it to your dog and it died?
  7. odinson

    Whats the strangest thing that ever happened to you?

    u guuud much to remember.....
  8. odinson

    Can money buy true happiness?

  9. odinson

    bear commits sucide after monkey attack

    lol.....damn monkeys!!!!!!.......kill em all I say!!
  10. odinson

    What dog breed are you?? lol

    yea buh dey doh hav ah dog fuh me........caribbean terrier(pot hound)
  11. odinson


    JAPAN......the people....and best the culture......
  12. odinson

    What did you learn this past week?

    I learned dat mummy's are earth born angels and God is good and knows who to send in times of distress
  13. odinson


    she is the luv of my life........wen we were together it was like livin in a dream.......kissing her was like magic.........sometimes by jus holdin her hand it felt like makin our souls intertwined.......I'll miss dat.....
  14. odinson

    what do u think was the best movie for 2008 ?

    hoping THOR will be better........dais my fav marvel character.......
  15. odinson

    what's the worst movie for 2008 ?

    well I jus prefer d Jack nickelson joker.......which is to make ah joke outta everyting......buh d two movies show d different era's in comics.......I prefer d older stuff........and I prefer marvel stuff......I dont collect any DC.......anyways Heath Ledger used the comic,"THE KILLING JOKE" as...
  16. odinson


    for my fairy who flew away......I'll miss her Dreams Come little fairy, come sit with me. Hold on to my hand, my heart, only you can see...
  17. odinson

    Christmas was the best lol

    it was ok........memorable in many ways.....buh could hav been better........
  18. odinson

    what's the worst movie for 2008 ?

    d batman movie........utter shit......
  19. odinson

    what do u think was the best movie for 2008 ?

    Iron Man was boss.....and I doh like dat marvel