Young To Kamla: Read The Hansard

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Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister Stuart Young has shot back at Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s claim that all he (Young) was doing was “bad-mouthing people” when he claimed some lawyers were helping gangsters in their criminal enterprise

Persad-Bissessar made the comment following the Penal/Debe Regional Corporation Annual Civic Reception and Awards ceremony at Claxton Bay on Saturday, accusing Young, who made the claim in Parliament on Friday, of defaming people’s character.

“Name these people and report them. Don’t just ‘bad-mouth’. Everyday they stand in Parliament and ‘bad-mouth’. That’s what they do, they tarnish your name and you have to prove something that is untrue,” Persad-Bissessar had said.

Law Association of T&T president Douglas Mendes SC also called on the police to take action “as soon as possible” if there is evidence that lawyers are engaged in criminal activities.

But yesterday, Young suggested that Persad-Bissessar read the Hansard.

“She was absent in Parliament on Friday. I said all that I intend to in Parliament on Friday in the context of a debate on protection for lawyers in the Anti Gang Bill.

“Her claim of me bad mouthing is of no moment. The matters related to corruption that I have referred to previously are all the subject of lawsuits in the Supreme Courts of Trinidad and Tobago brought by the relevant claimants, including the Office of the Attorney General, eg Eden Gardens and EMBD’s lawsuits against contractors and a former minister,” Young said.

He said the Government was not in control of the criminal process, adding that constitutionally, criminal investigations and charges lie with the Police Service and the Director of Public Prosecutions.

He however, assured, “The Government will continue to investigate and prosecute as best as it can, the matters of corruption, which has never been done in the professional and meticulous manner that we have done it in. Matters have been filed in the courts and we will pursue same on behalf of the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.”