
A prison officer was killed yesterday morning when his car crashed into a electricity post and spilt into two on the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway in the Freeport area.
Ryan Alexander, 29, who enlisted in the service about two years ago and was attached to the Eastern Correctional Rehabilitation Centre at Santa Rosa Heights, Arima, died on impact.
According to a police report, around 4.15 pm he was heading south along the highway in his silver Toyota Corolla when he lost control of the car which slammed into the pole near Courts.
The car spit into two as it wrapped around the lamppost. Head of the Prison Officers’ Association Ceron Richards offered condolences to Alexander’s family.
He said, “We in the Prison Association are saddened by this dreadful occurrence. It is something we weren’t expecting and we hope that his family and friends will be able to find some way to cope in this very difficult situation.”
Richards could not say whether at the time of the accident Alexander was returning home after work. When the T&T Guardian visited his home at Main Road, Gran Couva, family and friends were gathered.
However, Alexander’s father was too distraught over his son’s death to speak with the media. Freeport police are investigating.