Wrong & Strong Mentality


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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
It's everyday it seems that myself and others leave our homes and go about our business ordinarily. One thing that never ceases to amaze and appears to get worse is the boldfaceness and ridiculousness of what now appears to be average society. Just driving down the road where one has the right of way, one has to be afraid to do the speed limit of a road as almost no one waits at the stop lines at minor roads to merge onto major roads.

It's like when one walks into a business place, a place driven by profit and capturing a return on value from customers, we are looked at as though we walked into this place by the owners because we want something. Sure, we want to buy and they want to sell but to look at a customer with an expression or use words that amount to, "yuh want something?" really does show that we are deteriorating as a collective society.

Where has this mentality come from? When these people are opposed either by letting these ridiculous business owners know that they either sell to us in a respectable manner or keep their products or by using the warning device on a motor vehicle to let someone know that they have violated the right of away and came extremely close to causing an accident, why are we being cursed at and looked at as if we are wrong when we are within our rights? Why is it that when it seems like just about anybody is opposed for their wrongness, they have a very strong justification as to why they are right and you are not?

When will this end?
Lol but us trinis like that kind of rude behavior is only a few stand up for themselves the majority takes it...I for one don't tolerate that I come and speak with respect to you at least show me the same
Yeah Grim that is how it should be. If a man wrong he wrong. I doh tolerate it either and ppl sometimes don't like me for it but daz dem loss. lol
Yea is like they need to have some of these businesses take a class in hospitality....