Would You Let A Stranger Drive Your Vehicle?


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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
As the title asks, would you let someone you barely know or don't know in the slightest drive your vehicle if they asked to drive it?

I say no way, there are dealerships and rental lots, go figure. However, I am a very OCD type of car person and so I have a major problem letting anybody else use my vehicle. Why? Because: they don't know how I treat it and so they may not be as gentle as I am, they may crash or scrape your wheels if they are not accustomed or not good drivers.

Thats just my take on things, I'd like to hear yours so I can see things from another perspective.
lol i did this once with a girl i know she was still learning and needless to say she scrape my rim and drive up on part of the curb....scared me as im thinking oh no i told her stop one time...moral of that mini story never happening again with anyone
awwww man that sucks grimreaper009... You paid the price to learn the hard way :(
awwww man that sucks grimreaper009... You paid the price to learn the hard way :(
yea good thing its stock alloy rims i use on the car if it was any other..i would have died a little inside lmao...it was a good experience it made me more pick of who I will allow to drive me if its not a close family member im accustom to
yea good thing its stock alloy rims i use on the car if it was any other..i would have died a little inside lmao...it was a good experience it made me more pick of who I will allow to drive me if its not a close family member im accustom to

Thats how I am as well. Somebody I barely know ask me to drive my van today and in my mind I was thinking, the dealership still sells the model I have, go get a test drive in a nice wide road with their thick side walled stock tyres and leave me with my 20s and low pros in peace. Of course I can't tell them that so I just said nah.
I am also against to drove my car by a stranger because i love my cars and don,t want to put it in the other,s hand because i handle my cars well.
No stranger could ever drive my car. There are only a few people and I mean out of my close friends who could even hold the keys much less drive my car and I've known them for 10+ years. I'd rather give them a drop where they need to go.
Yes! But only with an experienced driver ..Not a newbie ! and also in case if there is an accident or emergency .
Yes! But only with an experienced driver ..Not a newbie ! and also in case if there is an accident or emergency .

You said yes but with an actual stranger and not in emergency situation. Then would you let a stranger drive your car?
Nice to see the review about it so everyone not want to be give his car to a stranger.Its against the rules also and we also not accepted it.
You said yes but with an actual stranger and not in emergency situation. Then would you let a stranger drive your car?

I think u misunderstood...

A stranger can also be defined as someone you don't know personally and have no relationship with e.g friendship, aquaintance etc. But they can be someone you see everyday or talk to .

I would let a stranger drive my car only if they are experienced and i am in the passenger side but the situation has to be important.
I would also let a stranger drive my car if there was an accident or emergency .TO CLARIFY In Cases Of - If i am dying , someone is dying , i am hurt, someone is hurt/dying etc. and i need to be in the back seat helping them.

Clarified Enough ? LOL
You said yes but with an actual stranger and not in emergency situation. Then would you let a stranger drive your car?

I think u misunderstood...

A stranger can also be defined as someone you don't know personally and have no relationship with e.g friendship, aquaintance etc. But they can be someone you see everyday or talk to .

I would let a stranger drive my car only if they are experienced and i am in the passenger side but the situation has to be important.
I would also let a stranger drive my car if there was an accident or emergency .TO CLARIFY In Cases Of - If i am dying , someone is dying , i am hurt, someone is hurt/dying etc. and i need to be in the back seat helping them.

Clarified Enough ? LOL

Hmmm well yeah i gathered that but partially misunderstood. Fair enough *Hides in shame*
I wouldn't trust a stranger unless, as LadyD said, it was an emergency where I was dying, terribly injured, etc. Under normal conditions, no way. I would have to know someone very well, have driven with them in their vehicle to see how well they drive, and know that they were very, very experienced on the road and practiced safe driving. But most likely, no.
I wouldn't trust a stranger unless, as LadyD said, it was an emergency where I was dying, terribly injured, etc. Under normal conditions, no way. I would have to know someone very well, have driven with them in their vehicle to see how well they drive, and know that they were very, very experienced on the road and practiced safe driving. But most likely, no.

At the end of the day in Trinidad years doesn't equal experience so it is the only way to feel comfortable but being a stranger I still won't allow them to drive my vehicle because I don't know if they've driven one car all their life, then they may face difficulty to drive something else. Shouldn't happen but I'm always afraid it will. (I think LadyDeath really explained her point to me LOL)
But i would not trust a stranger and don,t give my car to it for driving because i love my drive and its against my rules.
At the end of the day in Trinidad years doesn't equal experience so it is the only way to feel comfortable but being a stranger I still won't allow them to drive my vehicle because I don't know if they've driven one car all their life, then they may face difficulty to drive something else. Shouldn't happen but I'm always afraid it will. (I think LadyDeath really explained her point to me LOL)

Even if the person bounced my car on the way to a hospital because i/someone is terribly ill or dying i would not mind. At the end of the day a car can fix and it is material stuff ..but a person is most important.
By very experienced, I don't mean years of experience eh, I mean experience skill wise. I know people driving for more than 20 years like some real idiots on the road, and people driving 5-10 years or so and are quite courteous on the road, knowledgeable and respectful about the laws, and drive safely and can maneuver alarming situations with admirable skill.
Even if the person bounced my car on the way to a hospital because i/someone is terribly ill or dying i would not mind. At the end of the day a car can fix and it is material stuff ..but a person is most important.

I did silently agree with your emergency point.

- - - Updated - - -

By very experienced, I don't mean years of experience eh, I mean experience skill wise. I know people driving for more than 20 years like some real idiots on the road, and people driving 5-10 years or so and are quite courteous on the road, knowledgeable and respectful about the laws, and drive safely and can maneuver alarming situations with admirable skill.

I would let them go to a dealership yes, unless its an emergency, dealership for them lol.
In the situation of emergency everyone can do that and a stranger can drive his car.I am agree on it but not in the normal situation.