World Mental Health Day

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Steven Ramadar

Jun 22, 2014
Well its world mental health day...what are you're thoughts on this?
There's a mental health day???

St. Anns must be having a ball of a time!

I hadda drop by to get check up again [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23]
I think we still have a long way to go to get rid of the stigma attached to mental illness and the importance of addressing and maintaining mental health. Not everyone is capable of acknowledging that they have an issue, and of those that can, fewer are willing to seek or accept that help due to the stigma.
personally i find this whole issue as a big choice, whether or not they choose to get help or not is up to them, it have some seriously sick people out there , who should be given help! but for the rest, to be honest , we all need a little mental help if you think about it!
I think checking up on yourself is a healthy habit for both physical and mental health equally. So many lifelong issues stem from minor incidences and behaviors that we often undermine. Many mentally unstable parents, caretakers, and teachers scar children for life and shape their attitudes and life decisions, those children may then negatively (sometimes permanently) affect others they interact with as they grow up, and so one mentally ill person can negatively impact countless people's lives. Just look at this scenario loosely based on various stories from people I've actually met:

A nice, happy, but slightly depressed person marries. Due to peer pressure he begins drinking, eventually becoming an alcoholic. He has always been verbally abusive, but never physically harming anyone. Years pass. He slowly becomes physically, economically, and psychologically abusive to his wife, though promising each time is the last, and asking for her support and encouragement in helping him change. His daughter starts growing up. He becomes sexually abusive to his daughter. The wife becomes verbally and physically abusive and manipulative to the daughter and her other family members and friends as a coping method when the husband forces her into isolation. The daughter copies the behavior she sees at home onto others she sees at school and becomes a bully. She exhibits signs of premature sexual behavior leading to unwittingly molesting classmates, and engaging in and forcing others to engage in sexual acts as she grows older. She is never caught, those she abuses are too ashamed to come forward, and their lives are impacted by mental illness as they struggle to cope with their trauma and confusion over what they experienced. She eventually winds up another teenage mother, kicked out and cut off, forced to live with emotionally unavailable, narcissistic relatives as her child's father refuses to acknowledge the pregnancy while still a student. She is forced to drop out of school and work meager paying jobs to support herself and her child with an uneducated, unstable, and unhealthy background. She seeks stability, fulfillment, support, love, acceptance, and understanding and has more romantic relationships over time in a desperate attempt to fill these gaps. She eventually stands up to a boyfriend who is verbally abusing her child, by hitting him back when he slaps her for opening her mouth, only to be beaten up by him and nearly killed. Someone tells her about domestic violence shelters and she enters one with her child where her child enters a therapy program to emotionally support her developing mental health, and though she faces stigma and shame, she herself learns about the mental problems the people around her had, how it affected her, and how to progressively deal with her own issues. It is not the end for either of them, it is an uphill battle that they must both fight to progress through.

It starts with one. It affects many. Not everyone starts out wanting to have issues, or understanding how their problems start or that they need help at all. Some people just need a little help getting on the right track due to outside factors interfering with their lives, other need constant and permanent assistance. Whatever is the case, I think those suffering with mental illness or dealing with a mentally ill person needs as much support and encouragement as possible, with easily accessible education and resources to assist them.