Woman Takes Selfie In Senior Cop’s Uniform


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Two days after two police officers opened fire on each other at close range at a mall in East Trinidad, several photos surfaced on social media yesterday showing a Latino woman scantily clad with a senior police officer’s uniform top thrown over her.

The photos appeared to have been taken in the charge room of a police station located within the North Eastern Division. One of the khaki police uniforms bore a name tag belonging to the North Eastern Division’s acting ASP Michael Sooker. It also bore his regimental number.

Contacted last night about the photos, Sooker told the T&T Guardian that he has no knowledge of that.

“I do not know what went on there but I hope that something comes out of the investigations and whoever is behind that is held responsible.”

Asked whether or not his personal/family life had been affected as a result, Sooker replied: “No, no, not at all. My family is very understanding and is supportive to me, but I feel disappointed to know that this has happened.”

Also commenting on this latest incident, TTPS’ Social and Welfare Association president Michael Seales expressed anger and frustration, saying they had brought the entire TTPS into further disrepute in the eyes of the public. (See Page A5 & editorial on Page A20)

Seales called on the acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams to stop saying the incidents involving officers were “just being investigated or an investigation has been launched.” He said it is time Williams come out and address the citizenry and reassure them “this nonsense happening in the TTPS would not be tolerated.”

“He needs to come out and say he is not going to tolerate any nonsense again. His response of saying an investigation is ongoing is not satisfactory. He is the one in charge of the image of the police service and he needs to come out and assure the public,” Seales said.

“The association is doing its part with vigour, but the commissioner needs to put his feet down. This latest incident is very disturbing and I just cannot comprehend how this happened in the first place. I am left flabbergasted and very frustrated.”

It is an offence for anyone other than a police officer to wear a police uniform unless authorised by the CoP.

The T&T Guardian understands that officers from the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) were ordered by Williams to launch an immediate investigation into the circumstances surrounding where and when the photographs were taken and source of the leak of the photographs.

The PSB officers have already received information about police officers allegedly doing “favours” for Latino women, most of whom are believed to have entered into the country illegally through unofficial ports of entries along the coastlines.

According to a police source, many Venezuelan women who are allegedly caught and found to be here illegally are said to be offering sexual favours for the dropping of any charges or possible handing over to Immigration officers.

Contacted yesterday, a senior police officer, who wished not to be named just yet, said they are not ruling out the fact that the officer whose uniform was shown in the photos was “being set up.”

“In one of the photos you see a pair of feet clad in what looks like the uniformed pants of a junior officer, so you can never tell what the real motive is in the photos, but I am sure investigations will reveal all,” the senior officer said.

The T&T Guardian understands that Williams told PSB officers “the matter is to be treated with a level of urgency so that the appropriate action can be taken.”