woman plans to marry laptop!


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
A woman who plans to marry her laptop has become an internet sensation.

Hermione Way has posted a video on YouTube expressing her desire to walk down the aisle with her 17 inch MacBook Pro.

The clip shows the British technology entrepreneur take her laptop, which she calls 'Alex,' on a protest outside the House of Commons.

Then, the machine using typed text-to-voice converting software demands the legalisation of computer to human marriages.

The mini documentary reveals that the pair will exchange unofficial vows on January 31.

It adds that they have not spent a day apart in two years.

Also, Way's mum Jane is present in the short film.

"We know Hermione will be happy and that's all we ever want for her," the Sun quoted her as saying in the video.

Way added: "The great thing is Alex doesn't care what I look like and I can just be myself with him.

"We spend every minute together and as long as it's not hurting anyone, why shouldn't you be allowed to be happy?

"It is definitely love. I've never ever felt this way about someone. We spend a lot of time together in my bed. He's one heck of a machine and his hard drive works perfectly."

Way insists marriage to machine should be legalized just the same way civil partnerships for homosexuals have been made legal in the UK.

The video has attracted 30,000 views in the past week.
This is why the world is gonna end lol ...From men marrying goats to women marrying laptops wtf. this is so sickening yes
This is really too stupid for me to seriously comment on. So all i'll say is: May the good lord bless their marriage. amen!
LOL I wonder if the laptop mash up what would happen.
Or they get an divorce because alex was cheating now that will be thing lol
ah wonda if she thought bout kids an wat she wood name it!!! does it drive hard an if she uses d.... server....for ah service lol........

its ok if u doh laugh.......lol
It never ceases to amazed me of the high levels of stupidity that exists in the world today. And whats even more astonishing is the levels of sensationalized publicity it receives.
Exactly. We're part of the problem. If we didn't care then it wouldn't happen. Then again we're human and well, we must comment on the absolute idiocy of all of it. I hope her "husband" gets addicted to porn, contracts a virus and has his memory wiped.
just now you might hear some men marrying their hands hmmm now that will e weird lol
I just hope that they practice safe...errr computing! lol. Or that they use protection (Antivirus).. or she might contract something..lol.. I'm sorry i couldn't resist..
silver_psycho said:
wonder what she'd give birth to cute lil calculators
not calculators..netbooks!