Windscreen Polishing

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Windscreen polishing aye,
I use a P5000 sandpaper and rubbing compound.
steps are easy.
Sand the windscreen carefully but with pressure.
then feel it with your hands, once it's smooth already, you buff it with rubbing compound to buff out the tiny scratches the sandpaper left. Then POOF, a really shiny windscreen :)

Can this method help remove those nasty rain spots that refuse to come off after a general car wash?
Can this method help remove those nasty rain spots that refuse to come off after a general car wash?

Before using any sand paper on your glass try using Glass Scrub by Glass Science, I have used this with great success to remove paint spots from the glass already, it may work for your spots. Its usually purchased for $50 in a two piece set with the Rain Clear gel which is mandatory to get water to bead after glass scrub.

I have polished scratched up windscreens already with Chrome Polish which actually works pretty well but does not take out all the scratches 100%, 5000 grit sand paper may have the equivalent abrasive strength of a Compound so it should be alright but prevention is better than cure and its better to try light steps first.
Glass Scrub by Glass Science, where to buy???

I .. need.. now!

A lot of car shops will carry it. I've personally purchased it at The Price Club in Chaguanas.

Its like a cleaner wax for the windshield that requires a gel coat to bead once clean.
Not a bad way to clean the windshield or get it back down to bare bones for a fresh application of gel but the part that really stands out there is cleaning the rubber on the wiper blade itself. A good substitute to use if anyone isn't comfortable using dish soap is rubbing alcohol on the wiper blades. Some manufacturers recommend cleaning the rubbers with it to prolong streak-free life. Something I need to try on my very own since I have a very squeaky, streaky right blade after 4 months and 10 days of use.
SO I went to Price club and got the very last bottle of Glass Scrub yesterday (that place is nice to get all your stuff!)

Tried it a lil while ago. It works, but MUCH elbow grease is required! My arms tired!

I will use an orbital to see if I can get a full removal.
Glad to hear its a bit effective. You can try using it with a bit of pressure and back and forth motion for stubborn contaminants bonded to the windshield although the circular motion seems to be quite effective.
An orbital sounds like an excellent idea! I shall try this in time to come!

You can also purchase a clay bar for use in the times when you're not willing to put in the elbow grease. Although im not sure where sells individual clay bars.
Clay Bar is indeed one of the most easiest, safest and most effective method, but, from other automotive forums say that, the clay material can get caught by stubborn surface contaminants and leaving you with a messy look. but, if you're a real enthusiast, why not break a leg and see for yourself? :)

Clay bar for the whole car.
Glad to hear its a bit effective. You can try using it with a bit of pressure and back and forth motion for stubborn contaminants bonded to the windshield although the circular motion seems to be quite effective.
An orbital sounds like an excellent idea! I shall try this in time to come!

You can also purchase a clay bar for use in the times when you're not willing to put in the elbow grease. Although im not sure where sells individual clay bars.

I getting an orbital too next time!

I finished polishing around 6pm yesterday. My arms began to HURT from 8pm right through till lunch time today! Twice I needed sport balm on my arms. I can't believe I'm that unfit!
I don't think its your fitness level. Really bonded contaminants can be hard to work with.

Did it completely remove the spots you wanted to get rid off?