Who Watching Chutney Monarch?!


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Yup ki has to win because it have real people singing shit on stage but one thing real upsetting me is that on CNC3 its have one big fag commentating wtf man. So CNC3 can't get some body better that that look how the man/woman is dressed and talking.

on a side note everyone gone Chutney soca Monarch here y me except me lol.
Lol.. My Cuz Now Call Me To Go... I Wish She'd Call Earlier... I Already Clock In.... I Want KI To Win Since Last Year Eh... He Is Ah Boss.... :super: ....

As Far As The CNC3 Fag Is Concerned.... I Was Wondering All De Time If That Was A Man Or Woman.... :Blink:
Lol but what about the guyanese girl who just now sang the belly song or something like that lol aright after Rick Ramotar she looking good but her singing is crap lol as well the song lol.
admin said:
Lol but what about the guyanese girl who just now sang the belly song or something like that lol aright after Rick Ramotar she looking good but her singing is crap lol as well the song lol.

Need I Say More?... Lol...

The Guyanese Guy Who Sing "Dem Ah Watch Meh"... His Song Is Good... Its Catchy... But Her Song Is Crap....
So far i have not heard one song that could beat KI's Song and plus every one likes it, last year i really believe they robbed him hopefully this year good sense will prevail and people will vote for him
Singing About White Oak Is The Key To Winning This Competition.... Last Year Ravi B's Song "Cya Come" Was Way More Popular Than Rikki Jai's "White Oak And Water"....

And as far as for K.I He better win because his song is the most played chutney song on tha radio plus even 96.1 playing it to ..
But everyone knows how money and bribery can go a long way so we'll just wait and see
1-K.I-36,737 votes
2-Rikki Jai-32,731 votes
3- Rick Ramutar- 3982 votes
4-Nigel Salickram
5-Arti Butkoon
6-Terry gadraj
7- Fiona Sigh
8-Sassy Ramutar
9-Sally sagram
10- Harish Sigh

CONGRATS TO KI!.... Btw... How De FACK Rikki Jai Get All Those Votes For That CRAPPY Song.... Did His Rich Family Text In All Those Times?... Hmm... Rick Ramoutar Should Have Came 2nd....
Wow congrats KI for winning i fall asleep in the couch i did not get to see who win, Rikki Jai Still come out second wtf he has some really die hard fans out their yes. He and he shitty song as you said kevin don't even deserve to be in the top 5.
ah makin wings an fries to watch it on meh bg screen tonite....

The finalists....in order of appearance are 2013.....

1. Hemlata Dindial
2. Adesh Samaroo
3. Michelle Xavier
4. Omadath Maraj
5. Rikki Jai
6. Roger Hinds (Guyana)
7. Raymond Ramnarine
8. Hunter and Junjeezy
9. Kris 'KI' Persad (defending champion)
10. Sally Sagram
11. Anil Bheem
12. Saleem Beharry
13. Veekash Sahadeo
14. Prophet Benjamin
15. Kenneth Supersad
16. Rick Ramoutar
17. Drupatee Ramgoonai
The Lotto Plus Chutney Soca Monarch 2013
Saturday 26 January, 2013, Skinner Park, San Fernando

Your New Chutney Soca Monarch is Raymond Ramnarine with his winning piece 'I EH MARRIEDIN NO MORE'