White Lamborghini In Trinidad


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Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
Yes there's alot of speculation about the white lambo in Trinidad and when the man crash it into his family's subaru alot of people were outraged . First of all you can drive the best car but that doesn't make you a BEST DRIVER!

Second was i was reading this article i found in the trinidad express

A multi-million-dollar Lamborghini owned by a Chaguanas businessman crashed in Point Fortin on Saturday night.
The Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 had been on the nation’s roads for about a month.
In the collision, a 24-year-old South Oropouche woman was injured and taken to hospital.
Owner of the Lamborghini, Ryan Maharaj, proprietor of Technical Services Ltd, told police on Saturday night the incident occurred around 7.30 p.m.
Maharaj, 31, was driving his white Lamborghini sportscar PCU 313 in the car park of Clifton Hill Beach in an easterly direction.
He told police he accidentally accelerated instead of applying brakes and collided with a grey Subaru owned by his brother-in-law, Afzal Ali, of Esperance Village, San Fernando.
The police report said the Lamborghini sustained damage to the bonnet and front bumper, while the Subaru’s rear fender and bumper were damaged.
Maharaj’s girlfriend, Nalini Dubay, 24, of South Oropouche, who was standing nearby, suffered injuries.

Whats Wrong Here??? Well i shall tell you

1. When normal accidents happen they don't post this on papers?!
- The Name of the man
- His Main location
- His Company's Name
- His Family's Name
- His GFs Name
- His Gfs Location
- both their AGES

These days there are so much crime in Trinidad and Tobago and people's identity need's to be covered especially a young business owner and where he is living. Criminals does be looking at these things and targeting people to rob and kill them and this is the ALLEGED HOTTEST CAR IN TRINI So why put all them important minor details. I didn't think the express felt the need to put their ages and where they were living too. these things should be private. For example i could take this info right from the papers and find their location and everything..hmph its so sad to know not even the papers care yes we!
The express was really wrong in my eyes for printing that article about the person's name and address and which company they own etc. I really believe that the owners of this vehicle should sue the express for printing this such material since it could but detrimental for their lives since criminals now know where these people are living.
i now had a chance of reading this and thank you katrina for pointin out dis for me . the express is really wrong for putting all this simple info up when it wasnt needed. Gosh i know d express wanted attention but dont give de people too nah
sometimes rich ppl just wana show of an probably...ah say probably dey who give d info...if yuh hav ah Lamborghini 'yuh doh feel ppl can't trace it.......man dey say freedom of speech man...so dis is d times we livin in now anyting goes man ...Ian Allyane is ah another scavenger to showin wat he wants an no one is stopin him!!!