When did you first see pron?


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Hmmm let me see i would say in Primary school when i was walking in my road i saw a magazine with porn pics in it, i was like 11 or 12 so lol and i did not know what the hell was that about lol
From my cuzins like about the age of 13 i walked in on them watching and then i walked out back
home...I accidently put on the wrong flim but i stared at it a while before taking it off.....
hahahah naughty Resha..instead u took it off ur eyes were glued to the tv
Resha said:
home...I accidently put on the wrong flim but i stared at it a while before taking it off.....

i know she was cool ^^ lol. my first was like i wanted to see one for wat reason to see it. i watched it and that was it lol. cant watch another guy gettin more stuff that mee soo lol i dont watch no more only wen the wifey drag me too lol
Hmmm come to think of it i now remember something, i was like 6 or 7 years old and my cos and them were checking for a good movie to watch and they inserted accidentally a porn tape when the female was giving the dude a oral i taught it was chocolate seriously lol
Hmm brbk u have some explaining to do...why u does blame it on the wifey forr
wayz i was like like 7-8 wen i saw my cuz watchin lol got a bunch a them cassete videos from him lol it din hav cd's back then =S
lol damn dat was long ago??? lol i saw it cuz my i kept hearin ppl in skl talkin bout wat deer parents watchin i was lik blues??? den i saw my bro n his ex wife watchin i was lik :O BLUES!!! lol
yea but dat was b4 dey break up lol good thing i didnt walk in at d wrong time or else i woodve been scarred lol
Lawd...........if i did walk in to se my bro wid he gf watchin that i wud get blind for months lol
hmmm...my first blues experience...hmmm..i've watched too much to remember! Yeh i kno! sad huh?....well i don't give a flyin squirrel wat yuh guys think! lol....blues 4eva..(evil laugh) mmuuaaahahaha!
my first time was wen i was about 7 or 8....back in d days of dial up using kazaa to download pics...hehe....hook on it since :(...i tryin to cut it out now tho, unsuccessful thus far
Devil Child said:
i first saw p-o_r-n in ryan computer.....always had p-o_r-n in d pc back in skool days

OMFG Ryan how could you..........and u even left it there for her to see? wtf