Whats your Preference in Audio?


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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
As it stands, Trinidad and Tobago's "music" quality is divided among 2 factions if you will. The "Pro audio" guys and the "Sound Quality" guys.
The Sound Quality guys try to maximize sound quality to achieve as close as possible to the most accurate reproduction of the content within the sound track. If the sound track consists of drums and guitar strings, sound quality guys try their best to replicate every little detail of these sounds. The end result is usually a very pleasurable listening experience in car.

Pro Audio on the other hand, this is essentially all about loudness. It sacrifices the finesse of "SQ" for loudness. Its usually a thrill when these systems are properly designed as they can sound very good and be extremely loud. These type of systems usually incorporate large subwoofers which are tuned to maximize output, that is volume. It also consists of using light duty, highly sensitive speakers and drivers to attain a ridiculous level of Sound Pressure. These types of systems usually are meant to be played outside the car.

What do you prefer?
As you know Music is very important in this age for the generations rock. I like the full bass system with pop rock and its best of Noise Maker for me.
I'm more of an SQ guy. In my car the bass doesn't overpower the mids or highs. Everything is equally balanced. I detest the 'pro audio' guys, especially when they want to show how professional they are when I'm tryna sleep
I'm a very fussy SQ guy so I absolutely hate a lot of pro audio systems. Loudness is one factor, nobody likes loudness if its not at the very least decent sounding.
I pretty much do too. Most of those sound off guys would just say it not all that they kill it with mids, etc... They won't understand the difference in what they're hearing so its no use.

Then again, from guys who use a 3 band preamp alone and call that tuning, you have to expect that.
I like cars that focus more on Sound Quality. Some drivers just want music as loud as possible and the result is treachery to all who hear it.
i prefer sound quality.

Pro Audio do not care about sound quality only the loudness..Makes me think about those youths with their wagons lol.
I rather hear clean tuned music than a bunch of crap hurting my ears
i prefer sound quality.

Pro Audio do not care about sound quality only the loudness..Makes me think about those youths with their wagons lol.
I rather hear clean tuned music than a bunch of crap hurting my ears

Trinidadian Pro Audio guys don't care about quality, there are some pro audio systems in existence which sound really decent. I honestly don't like pro audio either. It lacks a lot of the engineering that goes into a well tuned system.
Steve Meade is more a loud SQ type setup. He basically built a multi-way system thats more or less front staged but with all that bass I wonder how his mid range keeps up with the subwoofer control on max.

JP is a good target for someone locally to strive towards. A setup like his is very attainable and to be honest, is very suitable for competition locally.
SM's Tahoe is overkill IMO but the system in his Lexus ISF is much better for me. He did a system in his son's GMC Yukon and even that was just perfect

I still love that Tahoe and the fact he did it all himself is what I like most.