Whats your favourite Operating System and why?


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Active Member
Nov 13, 2014
As the title asks, what is your favourite Operating System and why do you consider it your favourite?

Operating system refers to the software that your phone/pc/tablet/other device runs on.

I'll go first:

I personally like Windows 7 for a full blown computing experience. Its very easy to use, very tweakable for basic tweaking. Its built around a physical keyboard and mouse unlike Windows 8 which was clearly designed for touch screen gestures and the Windows 7 Start Menu is much more functional for quicker and more serious program usage.( I feel like windows 8's tiles are just for media consumption vs any serious production.)

I also like Google's Android and Apple's iOS. I have had a few Android Tablets and none of them performed anything close to or as reliable as the iPad. For that reason alone I love iOS as its always on point when I need it.

I do like Android a lot more however, its the OS I like to tinker with and play around with most. Hence I choose this for a phone since I always have my phone and if I ever need to do something "out of the ordinary" i'm almost guaranteed an easy route to getting it done via an android. The downside to android is that without permission managers, there are tons of rogue apps thats just want your personal data.
I use windows for my laptops....would love a mac to try it but the prices.......as for phones and tablets i love ios even since i played with it...android just feels weird to me although its easy to use also
I like Windows 7 most of all. I do not like Windows 8 at all and I'm cringing at the thought of Windows 10 already. Nothing else feels quite right and it takes quite a while for me to adjust to other systems. On tablets and smart phones I'm cool with either Android or iOS, though I think I favor Android.
I use windows for my laptops....would love a mac to try it but the prices.......as for phones and tablets i love ios even since i played with it...android just feels weird to me although its easy to use also
Hackintosh man, im really considering trying it on my ultrabook once more. Mac is a good experience ive used 10.5 on an old Dell desktop and it works quite well, I love the layout and the change. Its something u should try.
I like Windows 7 most of all. I do not like Windows 8 at all and I'm cringing at the thought of Windows 10 already. Nothing else feels quite right and it takes quite a while for me to adjust to other systems. On tablets and smart phones I'm cool with either Android or iOS, though I think I favor Android.
Windows 7 is the more keyboard and mouse oriented os. W8 i had for a while and i didnt like the gestures one bit.

I got the ipad air 2 day before and i will not lie, its blazing fast. It feels like a turbo charged ipad LOL. If only Android had that level of optimization itd be perfect.
my most favourite operating system on all basis , is Google Android, fast, easy to use, customizable , sleek , light, and will be reliable once treated correctly,

in close second is Windows 7 for the accessibility and ease in tweaking and customizability , its a very well polished OS and comes pre optimized for graphics (if you into gaming) even simple mods in menu and in the system can dramatically improve performance. Windows 7 will be among the greatest OS ever created.

As for Hackintosh, i am no stranger to this, as my Laptop is currently Hackintoshed, i do not recommend doing it , it is for skilled computer personnel only, to get everything stable and correct takes atleast 18 hours. its not a simple installation, and it cannot work with all computers, you laptop/ desktop has to be compatible, however given its difficulty, once in proper operation, it is one of the best experiences ive had on a computer, snappy, lag free, very user friendly and even better on PCs

i honestly think with the right specs, a macbook is no competition for a pc running hackintosh.
Macintosh on pc is made easy given a specfic list of hardware to stsrt with first and foremost. Secondly Uni/Multibeast really makes it easy to boot.

Its worth the trouble for the fresh experience.
As for Hackintosh, i am no stranger to this, as my Laptop is currently Hackintoshed, i do not recommend doing it , it is for skilled computer personnel only, to get everything stable and correct takes atleast 18 hours. its not a simple installation, and it cannot work with all computers, you laptop/ desktop has to be compatible, however given its difficulty, once in proper operation, it is one of the best experiences ive had on a computer, snappy, lag free, very user friendly and even better on PCs

i honestly think with the right specs, a macbook is no competition for a pc running hackintosh.

Ditto to this. I'm no PC expert so I don't mess around with these things, but someone tried Hackintosh on our household PC and the graphics card wasn't fully compatible = blinding migraines every. single. day. I'm gonna avoid Mac things for a little while lol
That is why you dual boot if you have no other systems. I always dual booted so i always had a fully working system when needed.
Yep we have options for Windows 7, Windows 8, and the blinding Mac thing. Back to Windows 8 currently, but they can re-try Hackintosh once I have another option so I'll be able to stay far away lol
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It's soo ironic that I'm reading the posts on this thread, because I was waiting for Win32diskimager to finish creating my bootable mac usb. I tried hackintosh a while back and I love it! But I need a better graphics card, mines isn't fully compatible. But I dualboot and was just about to reinstall it. Hoping to make the switch permanent, but we'll see how it goes. As for mobile os, I love tinkering with android, but ios just works....flawlessly. Hard to choose!
I have never used any other system than Windows however, i have used my friend's mac notebook before and that thing was confusing lol. I love Windows 7 more than Windows 8 . It's user friendly and not confusing. I just don't get the app feature on the windows 8
Using Windows 8 on my touchscreen laptop and I can finally appreciate it now. Don't think I'll be going back to Windows 7 now.
Lol i find windows 8 confusing especially when i lost the task bar and i cannot make my app turn off or go back ..shmur ! i suck that these things
I'm still figuring it out lol Just today I finally found the app drawer and figured out how to move in between different opened apps. Slowly but surely!
that was a problem to for me lol. i was on skype the other day on my dads pc and i couldnt figure out how to get back to the desktop lmao
If I didn't have a windows button for the desktop Idk what I would do lol I know it would make sense to check out a tutorial or something for all the things I've missed and haven't realized yet but....procrastination lol
Lol tell me how it goes! I love Windows 7 maybe it's just me but im afraid to change
Change is good! A lot of people are saying that they prefer Win 7 over 8, but it's only because they haven't taken the time to get used to it. It's much better imo and you can access stuff much faster, especially with the ribbon at the top and the side bars. Tried going back to 7, couldn't do it. lol. That being said....I'm switching the Mac OS Yosemite. lol
Change is good! A lot of people are saying that they prefer Win 7 over 8, but it's only because they haven't taken the time to get used to it. It's much better imo and you can access stuff much faster, especially with the ribbon at the top and the side bars. Tried going back to 7, couldn't do it. lol. That being said....I'm switching the Mac OS Yosemite. lol

Good sense has prevailed Manga lol. I honestly would switch to Mac before I run Windows 8. I tried it all the way from the Beta to the retail and I did not like it one bit. I don't even like it on the Surface RT. On the Surface Pro I'm sure it would be a blast!

Windows 7 is just one of those OSes that you get accustomed to and never want to let go, its so easy to use and very compatible with older programs too. Windows 8 has ran into some compatibility issues that led it to a blue screen crash before in my prior experience but I'm sure all of that would be settled by now.

Change in technology, I'm no stranger. Change in Windows, I'm no stranger either. Windows 8, I want you locked away...
Lol. Yea, I still have compatibility issues with Windows 8. It gets really annoying sometimes, especially when I had my Note 3. I used to try custom roms alot and I eventually created a second boot drive just for Windows 7 to be able to sync my phone. I'm getting a newer graphics card soon, mine isn't fully compatible with Yosemite. Then I'll make the switch.