Whats the strangest thing that ever happened to you?


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Active Member
Jun 9, 2008
You know creepy things... inexplicable thing. Ghosts and spirits and douens and soucouyant (cant spell lol) mysterious phone calls and voices in your head... boogey men.. stalkers and psycho's...
Seriously nothing much has ever happened to me that I cant explain.. am I the only one.. maybe weird things dont happen to weird people..
Whats the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?
u guuud .....lol....too much to remember.....
hmm sorry i doh believe in Ghosts, ghouls, douens, soucouyant, buck, werewolf, vampire. tp me dem is all just suspicions
Waay al yuh ent see the google ads lol in this page, it have an ad saying we remove evil spirits/jinks/demons lol
Seriously you guys much check the ads sometimes lol
lol once i see one on how to get pregnant fast lol
I doh believe in them things either but when people talk about it I does get frighten... or if a watch a movie i wont be afraid during the movie but in the night i might lol. I is a fraidy cat..
strangest ting is wen ah went by meh cousin place for d first time ah coulda swear ah knen d place but dat was d first an only time ah was dere.....it was like ah did dis same ting before....strange eh!!!