What you guy+girls think about Project Natal on the 360


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Jun 9, 2008
"No Strings (or Controllers) Attached."


A full body motion sensor wit mic oo for the 360, play games wit no controller. Gestures, spoken commands are processed by natal haha its funny u got to watch the vid.


"Introducing Project Natal, a revolutionary new way to play: no controller required. See a ball? Kick it, hit it, trap it or catch it. If you know how to move your hands, shake your hips or speak you and your friends can jump into the fun -- the only experience needed is life experience." quoted from http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/projectnatal/

lolz Project Natal or Project Fail?

ok i think it made ppl more lazy cuz the dude and a board and he scan it into the game to virtually skate, umm.... lol if u own a board go out and skate..!!!!!!!
While it is indeed an interesting concept, i don't see it totally changing the way we play games in the near future. I don't that anything will replace the good ol' analog controller or keyboard and mice when playin games any time soon. Sure would be some pilot games to make use of this technology, but the hardcore games aren't goin to utilize this to much extend while its in its juvenile stage.
i wanna @ least try it out 1st...i kno my dad told me bout it...but i def wanna try it...
Hmm...very futuristic idea but unless technology advances really quickly in a short space of time, I don't see this working very well (consistently) or being financially available to most of the gaming world.
Update. Miscrosoft has offically renamed the Project Natal to Kinect. After a year of calling the Xbox360 addon Project Natal, Microsoft announced the name change in time for thiei presentation at E3..