What To Do If Your Car Has Been Stolen.


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New Member
Sep 24, 2017
Well, first of all you need to be completely sure that your car has in fact been stolen. What we mean is, sometimes in large parking lots, for example (the mall), we often forget where we have parked our car. When we cant find it, we go into a panic, thinking the worst, MY CAR HAS BEEN STOLEN!!!

But seriously, be sure the car has been stolen. Another possibility is that maybe your car has been towed to the nearest police station. If you emerge from somewhere and find your car missing, go to the nearest police station and ask if your car has been towed there.

If the above two suggestions has been considered and you still have not found your car, then proceed to the police station to make a report of a stolen car. Make sure when you go to the station you have information about your car, example, make, model, registration number, etc.. All this will be required to fill out the form. When you are finished reporting your stolen car to the police, contact your insurance company and make a report there also.

Your stolen vehicle should also be reported to the licensing office to ensure that no one else try to register your vehicle.

Now that you have alerted all relevant authorities, you can help in recovering your car. Put up flyers, post it on Facebook page, ask friends to share it to their friends and ask everyone to keep an eye out for your car. Also you can use website such as ours, to post a stolen car notification.

If your vehicle was stolen and wish to place a notification on our website, follow the link at the end of this article, fill out the form and we'll post it on our website. Besides sharing it on our website, we'll also share it on our social network pages to help you find your car.

Follow This Link : https://www.RealTrini.com/vehicle-transfer-fees-in-trinidad-tobago/

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