what makes a person cheat on their lover/spouse


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New Member
Sep 10, 2008
I am talking from my behalf, i think men and women cheat for different reasons. Men cheat because they are promiscious, :icon_twisted: they cheat to fullfil their sexual desires :icon_mad: , they like the thrill of having more than one woman they can turn to. men cheat to spice up their sex life and because their spouse or lover is not able to satisfy their needs.
Women cheat because of their need for a sense of belonginess that their patner may not be giving them, they cheat because of lack of attention from their mate, :icon_sad: boredom and lack of intimacy during sex :icon_neutral: and unsatisfactory sex. :icon_redface:
good luck to you with that!!! aye..didn't some-one already ask this question??
you know am right dont player hate because am like so smart :icon_wink:
HUh well see not all guys cheat because he's promiscuous, see why a woman will say that a guys cheats because of sex or for what ever reason is not to be blamed on our entire gender. See if some one from where you live comitte a crime can you say that the whole village is a place of criminials.

Lets face it woman always blame males on cheating and saying our brain is in our pants but i think thats is so wrong see if you have a bad exprence in the pass or present with a dude and he cheats on you that does not mean taht all of us are like that.
Its was the female's relationship and it was to that particular guy.

See again is that females come together and talk men don't so if we used to do that we would be just like you woman and bad talk you woman like the way you do to us

Conclusion is that a relationship is between 2 people (talking about a cupple) So if one member cheats it does not mean you should blame the whole gender but blame him or her .

LOL my 2 cents

Oh and i believe woman cheats for money lol ahahahaha
Topcat said:
you know am right dont player hate because am like so smart :icon_wink:
*sigh*not player hatin at all...alyuh women always thinkning of alyuh selves as victims. Like alyuh perfect. You listed all sort of negative reasons about why men cheat. Like woman do cheat for the same reasons. What..can't a man cheat because he's not getting intimacy in the relationship either? What makes women so god-dam perfect. Men AND woman cheat for the exact same reasons. None is better than the other. Bottom line is "CHEATING IS CHEATING" Don't try to down-play the matter when women cheat, and exagerate when men do it. Women are just as underlying as men... I sick of women tryin to portray themselves as always the victims. You all cheat just as much as us. Come off alyuh high horse. :icon_frown:
oh am sorry if i offended but that was my view and what is this women cheat for money hey that is so right i would cheat for money JUS FOOLING but they do and am not sorry for what i said men are born cheaters and women jus do it because its rubbing off.
I know lol we was not hash or anything it health that we are discussing these things, i love a good battle lol. But i will say females are getting more and more dominant so they tend to cheat more than males would do, they expose them selves more than males and love to experiment
Topcat said:
oh am sorry if i offended but that was my view and what is this women cheat for money hey that is so right i would cheat for money JUS FOOLING but they do and am not sorry for what i said men are born cheaters and women jus do it because its rubbing off.
Not offended. just tired of that stupid talk....anyways if that's the way you thinking, then good luck to you and that mentality..It seems you have alot to experience and learn.. If you believe that men are "born" cheaters and women are saints you go right ahead. In closing i'll tell you this, life is not as black and white as you may think. There are a lot of grey areas. If you don't understand what that means. Ask an adult. Take this from a married man!
Re: what makes a person cheat on thier lover/spouse

I dont see that much disparity between the reasons for cheating. Infact I think the reason we'd want it to be different if because somehow there are good reasons and bad reasons for cheating. What a blatant lie- cheating is cheating! It's evil wrong and bad. Thats it. No right way to do it.
Keep representing Wispa cuz it needs to be said.
Re: what makes a person cheat on thier lover/spouse

RauCous said:
I dont see that much disparity between the reasons for cheating. Infact I think the reason we'd want it to be different if because somehow there are good reasons and bad reasons for cheating. What a blatant lie- cheating is cheating! It's evil wrong and bad. Thats it. No right way to do it.
Keep representing Wispa cuz it needs to be said.
Bless up RauCous..yuh unda-stand what ah sayin....these hypocrites..de place full of them. (no offence topcat)..CHEATING IS CHEATING. There is no right reason to cheat!
hey i did not say that cheating was right. :icon_cry2: and for the record no where in their said that women were saints, i did not mean to sound so stupid because trust me i know the facts, but i knew that i would get a challenge, :icon_wink: and a next thing women are better cheaters than men they hardly or never get caught unless they are really careless of what they are doing and that is a fact. but as you all said before their is no right reason for cheating but still that does not stop it from happening. :icon_neutral:
i cant see why anyone will cheat on another person ; male or female .

NOW ; a girl going with another girl isnt cheating ... nothing to put anywhere. a guy wiyh another guy is cheating , cause they have something to put; also girl with guy / guy with girl is also cheating.
Lol at death but i thing cheating can be more than physical, what motivates a human is his/ her emotional state. So cheating in merely not just physical,
cheating can be in a physical and mental or emotional state such as thinking about another person, loving another person other than ur spouse etc
all ah alyuh in experience an doh know wat d f--k is cheating, is this f--k school talk or an adult chat room, so far ah only hearin ah set ah children,like ah in f-in school oh wat, (plain talk bad manners!!!) people cheat coz they they want LOVE, SEX, MONEY, but most of all dey want to get their jucies flowing and ah good outside F--K
Who get u vex suya? ... I don't believe people cheat because of love... S-e-x and money i will agree with but love...no...
If yuh cheating on someone, there's no love in that relationship and the person yuh cheating with...
I am sorry :wacko:

Well thats what we think and our suggestions and what we feel its a forum and we express our different opinions
i beg to differ with love coz some times yuh lover/spouse not giving u emotional and physical love because he don't know how too in d out hand d outside lover whom u fell in love wit can express love to u and vise visa, theres gd in every thing ok theres alot of individuals dont get love and lack of sex, lack of attention, argueing and quarelling, wife/hubby find out partner cheating all these make a person cheat an sorry if alyuh upset i ment no harm admin
The truth offends some people :| lol. I agree though in another topic like this one I said people cheat because they're obviously not getting what they want out of the relationship. or what they need from their partner.