What is Your Most Valued Posession?


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
What item do you own that makes you feel privileged to own it? Something that you can't imagine life without, that deserves its own hall of fame or appreciation club, that you would take with you if you moved again and again, that you would never lend to others and watch fearfully or with intense scrutiny if anyone came near it?

I have a few I think, but this one came up in a recent conversation:


It's just insanely beautiful and unbelievably useful in almost any scenario. Someone "borrowed" it and forgot to return it for a few months so it's now hidden under lock and key in a secret hiding place. Mine. All mine. My precious.

The only thing i can think about is my gold jewellery. I don't have much but it was passed down to me from my mom and grandmom and i cherish it with my life. I admire it more than i wear it
I would put relationships first but I think that's just a given. Certain items I own have a lot of sentimental value that cannot be replaced with the same meaning. If they were lost, stolen, or destroyed, of course I would have to get over it, but I would initially be crushed because of the loss of what the item represented to me more than for the item itself.

I have a chef knife I've been using for over 10 years. There are two other chef knives in my house which I could use at any time, but something about my knife makes me feel comfortable and confident. It's been missing for a couple months now, and the world has continued moving on like normal, but being in the kitchen doesn't feel the same. I've gotten so used to the weight and feel of it I've actually hurt my hand using one of the other knives twice within the past few weeks. Whenever there was any criminal activity in the area or anything happened to make me feel paranoid I used to sleep with my knife under my pillow. It's my equivalent to someone's childhood blanket or toy I guess.
Lol! I don't blame her tbh. I always have something accessible in each room that can be used for self-defense in the event of an emergency. I don't feel as comfortable with other knives as I do with my own.

My knife looks something like this:

My blade is shaped differently after more than a decade of use and sharpening, and my handle is smooth. The weight is perfect for my hand, the distance of my knuckles to the cutting surface is perfect when I hold the handle to use it, it flows like an extension of my hand when I use it.

The one I'm using in the mean time looks like this:

My knuckles hit the cutting surface every time I use it, no matter what cutting position I hold it in. The handle is much heavier than the blade which is light like a feather so I have to put weight on the front end of the knife to match the natural weight of the handle. There is no flowing with this one. I've actually started to shred or rip things by hand when I can to avoid using this thing.
my most valued possession is my heartttttt cant put a price on it everything else is materialistic and can be bought over
Lol! I don't blame her tbh. I always have something accessible in each room that can be used for self-defense in the event of an emergency. I don't feel as comfortable with other knives as I do with my own.

My knife looks something like this:

My blade is shaped differently after more than a decade of use and sharpening, and my handle is smooth. The weight is perfect for my hand, the distance of my knuckles to the cutting surface is perfect when I hold the handle to use it, it flows like an extension of my hand when I use it.

The one I'm using in the mean time looks like this:

My knuckles hit the cutting surface every time I use it, no matter what cutting position I hold it in. The handle is much heavier than the blade which is light like a feather so I have to put weight on the front end of the knife to match the natural weight of the handle. There is no flowing with this one. I've actually started to shred or rip things by hand when I can to avoid using this thing.

WAW! I have knives like both however, they don't hold that much value as they tend to go missing every month..And i mean everyy month we have to buy a new one or suffer... That happens when you have a father that like to fish almost every week ! smh ! Takes our knives to cut bait LOL
I have kept my knife hidden when talk of fishing limes come around. I lent my swiss knife to a friend once with careful supervision and he instantly cut his finger quite deeply. Everyone respects my knives now. Usually I am called to use it for the required purpose or a normal knife is used by anyone else. When I know I'll be around someone with a knack for making knives disappear I hide mine lol
My most valued possession materialistically may be the house I live in.
Everything inside it apart from the people can be replaced. Its where I spend most of my time when I'm not at school .
hmmmmmm this is a good thought provoking thread for me, mainly because i try not to have materialistic ties to anything, however , the one thing i cant live without is my smartphones, i seriously need it, my entire life is on my phones, from school work, back to baby pictures, i have all of it on my phone , its the one thing i hold materialistically important lmao

otherwise the most important thing in my life is my mother. hands down , im nothing without her, my mother is the most important person in my life and will always be!
Good family is impossible to replace!

Speaking of smartphones and all that, I don't know how I would live without the internet. Maybe that's my most valued material thing even if it's not really a possession lol Without I wouldn't be able to stay in touch with long distance friends or have information conveniently at my beck and call. I thrive on information!
Want info? Read the encyclopedia.
Want to stay in contact? Write letters.

Remember those days without internet. Hard to miss them lol. I think Obama is trying to make internet a commodity like water instead of being a service. If I'm wrong someone correct me.
I do write letters regularly, but while I wait for written letters to be sent and received through "snail mail", email comes in pretty handy. Sometimes it feels as though friends who are more than 10,000 miles away are right around the corner and I am extremely grateful to have the convenience of such a form of communication. I limit my online social communication to just email though, and have closed off all my social media.

I definitely support Obama making internet such a commodity. There have been many instances where I urgently needed important information and printed information was either unavailable or outdated, and word of mouth was incorrect or also outdated. Every year I learn a bit more about what kinds of information are available online and it has helped my life tremendously when waiting for other ways to get the information was simply not available. This not only comes in handy in terms of answering queries, but also with increasing understanding, spreading awareness, and providing the means for people to support one another, among other things. My life has definitely become easier having the internet on hand and I definitely see how it can help others. I could live without it, and I definitely have, but I am most certainly grateful for it today.
That's actually extremely true!!
The spoken words and sometimes written words are unreliable or no longer current and its only when you do your reading or research online then you discover the truth.

It also takes a few seconds to find spot on info on the web vs spending minutes in a book which may as well lack all the info or be published way before the present day.
I was listening to one of my gaming podcasts a while back and they mentioned that several gaming companies, who usually received millions of tweets, emails, etc, have dedicated rooms with ALL of their fan mail in them, displayed on the wall. Their reasoning? If someone can take the time and money to write and mail a personal letter to them, they want to show their love and appreciation by displaying it for everyone to see!

My most valuable possession? My wife and my son...they're my life! After that....all things techy! :heh: