What is Your Favorite Energy Drink?


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Staff member
Jan 23, 2008
What is Your Favorite Energy Drink?
Such as Redbull, Monster, Rockstar, Shark or other

The one in the middle is the best
i doh buy energy drink i does make meh own smoothie an juice carrots, apple, beet, pear,piece ah garlic, piece ah ginger, an ah piece ah aloes....i sometimes buy ah suplegen if ah need boost.....
I love beet root punch and also carrot its very good for the eyes and brain
my top fav would b redbull...redbull iz sooo good...i drink 1 of on a friday morning then another n da middle of da day...i get sooo hyper cuz of them...loco mocha monster iz nex...then rockstar iz last...
I know they aren't what what gets me going during the day is a little help from my nescafe friend lol i love those frozen cold drinks from nescafe it boosts me up and of course i love the mocha flavour its delicioso !
I Like Java Monster... But 5 Hour Energy Actually Works Great For Me... And It Has 0 Sugar... Which Makes It Even Better... :)
Caffeine is the killer there, I rather a Sports drink like Gatorade rather than a energy drink that contains mainly caffeine and sugars.
i drink only Gatorade .. Lucazade is shit plus monster and others break down your nervous system with caffine and sugar
I stop drinking Gatorade for the while i drinking Fruta Grape, it gives you that satisfying taste hmmmm
Fruita Has 36G Sugar In It... Very Unhealthy... You Should Try Bare Fruit Or Florida's Natural....
I never really checked that yes and i usually check those kinda of things thanks for the info.
Ginseng Apple is the best yes..96% juice with that" just right " taste aha!
Health Minister Dr Fuad Khan is urging citizens to "refrain" from consuming energy drinks....
He issued the caution following recent reports that shot-sized supplement 5-Hour Energy is under investigation by the United States' Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for possible links to 13 deaths in the past four years.....
Thirty of the reports made to the FDA concerning 5-Hour Energy involved serious and occasionally life-threatening consumer injuries.....
He issued the caution following recent reports that shot-sized supplement 5-Hour Energy is under investigation by the United States' Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for possible links to 13 deaths in the past four years.....
Redbull is actually quite great, I used to drink it when I was in high school.

I will have to drink this again, it is very helpful.
I also love Red Bull, it is the best energy drink ever!

I have never tried Monster before.