What ah Day!


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New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Ah yes spicians. today was hectic. Had so much work to do today, plus i organizing ah lil ride. So it was real back and forth the past three weeks. I officially tired. Thank God 2morrow is de last working day in de week. So spicians, how de week treat alyuh so far? :wink:
Well it was goodish i think work no start by me here since tomorrow is divali and we have to cleaning up the house cut the lawn pack up the place, real work.
ya'll hear that yesterday beetham ppl was rioting cuz of the 2 beethamites that police shot dead the day before???

i heard ppl was getting robbed an thing???

beetham ppl blocked up the whole highway with old fridges and tires...

some scary stuff man
well people i thought that the day i originally strted this post was the worst... i was totally wrong. Ysterday was officially the worst day of the week.
I went Licensing Office to transfer a car...man that was de worst. I reach down there, minutes to 7..de fellas who I buying a car from was still stuck in traffic come from central although I pleaded with them to leave earlier to reach don in town early...So I thought the de place doesopen at 8am. 8:20am dey now decide to opent he office. went inside got the form to full out etc. call back de sellers, asked if they had the certified copy for the car? Only to hear some chupid story that he cyah find it...talk about madness... Oh and they didn't see it fit to organize a cover note for the car so that they can drive it to the Licensing office. So they take a chance and drive with no insurance for de car. So dey finally reach down now..I talked to a clerk and she said that we don't need the certified copy for de transfer.Ok.we rolling! When i read a sign de people have up is said..and I quote: "The amount paid for the TRANSFER TAX would be calculated from the date the vehicle was registered, not the date of manufacture." This means that if they car is 6 yrs old from date of manufacture, and registered for only two years, the TRANSFER TAX is $6000.00.. MADNESS!!! WTF??? If they were to check it from date of manufacture, it would have been $3000.00. So i thought it was that, so I cater for that. Only to find out that i have to shell out 3gs more. So I done taking timeoff from work eh...so this man who does take bribe see we. He offered to speed up the process for us, getting us a new certified copy as well as speed up the inspection. So de sellers paid him to speed up the process.. So de bribe-man really speed up the inspection for us..scene.. but when is time to get the certified copy..nobody cyah find it..WTF!! I was de first person infront the office eh...i was de last to leave..WTF. initially when I thought the transfer was 3grand, i withdrew the amount from the ATM. In Licensing now, when i learned i had to pay 6grand i inquired by the cashier to see if they accepted linx..Big sign. CASH ONLY, NO LINX! What kinda f%$^*ry is that. A big government service like that, which makes thousands of dollars a day don't have a LINX machine service.. So I MAD AS HELL!! I have to leave there and go find a ATM. Find one down Movietowne, push in my card, I can't get no money because I withdrew 3000.00 before. and yuh only allowed a certain amount via the ATM per day. PRESSURE!!!! So now back in de office...My father in law offered to put the difference.cool...but he in St. James..jah boi! All this time we still waiting on documents we paid de bribe-man for eh? Trying to call him, he aint answering he cell... which means, de man hit we a shot..he rob us!! DAM!! So our transaction can't go tru because we doh have no certified copy... I gone in work...my wife went home to see if we had an extra copy of it..she aint find none. I however found on on work..scene..she came down on work, collected it and both of us had to go down by UNIT TRuST to collect some money from out joint account...de teller sticking...finally got that, now it was back down in Licensing..rach down dey, de teller give we ah bligh!!! mine you de time was 2:45pm and de cashier closing at 3pm.. finally got tru.. no is off to the insrance company to get insurance.. Reach there, (my current employer) did up the insurance.. got tru.. we went tru the bank so to buy the car so, we had to get some lawyer to do some crap. my wife went to the lawyer to see if she can git it down in the meantime..salt... de lawyers leave since 3pm. OH FADDA!!! Without the lawyer stuff, de bank won't release de cheques for the fellas to get their money for the car... So all in all I waste a whole day and still cyah drive home mih judement car... is three weeks we trying to get this car.. now it have to wait again till next week. I honestly tired.. I doh even think i want de blasted car again. I feeling to sell de car as soon as I get it. I cyah even back out now because I done pay downpayment, plus de bank already approve de loan and make up documents... Whole day was sourness.
omg. i sorry for u wispa i know how it feels to like something so much and u want it finally to be urs but a whole setta thing in de way . If i was u my brain wudda crash and i wudda be mad for weeks. but don worry man is this week self u getting it :) gudluck
wispa had a real rtough day


wispa..when u making long posts like that space them out with some paragraphs so it will be easier to read nah plz....gosh boi...alyuh men wicked...

me ah read haalf self ah stop half way coz ah see its ah transfer so ah kno d headache!!!
time to do someting to help d time spent in dat office yes