Weekly Debate Series. Work life vs Home Life!


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Sep 12, 2008
Wispa65 said:
In an effort to start some respectable debates on forum, I have come up with a new series of posts. Each week i will post a different topic for debate. So to kick things off, Topic 1.
Work Life vs Home Life

In recent times the family home has become vacant. In our present society, both parents of the household are required to work to support the family unit. Each work day consists of approximately 8hrs, whether its 8am - 4pm, 9am- 5pm etc. So most of our waking hours are spent in the workplace. We can all agree that our work lives are important. How else can we support our families? Now on the other side of the fence, there's our home life. This is where the family (literally and figuratively) reside. It is where our time is spent when not at the office. This part of our life is important too. It provides the escape from the outside world. To keep us grounded and sane after dealing with the pressures of life. we would like to belive that these two facets of our lives are totally seperate.. as it should be. But what if I told you that they are more connected than you think. Not for the better,but for the worse. In more ways than one.
If we don't work we can't have an income to support our family on the financial aspects. After all an income is needed for food, clothes and shelter. Most of our waking hours are spent in the office working assiduously. Usually at the expense of our homes. We consume so much time and energy at work that when we're at home, the end result of our hectic day is dumped on family members. We're also tired so, time spent with loved ones are less. We're also more prone to lash out at others because of our fatigue.
Another point to acknowledge is that stress from either one of two, transfers into the other. i.e. stress from our home lives are transfered to out work lives. If one is stress at home, that stress burdens them in the office. Concentration suffers, enthusiam is cut in half, we can became irated more easily etc. And vice versa, work stress is tranfered home. We're agitated at our kids, brothers sisters, parents etc when we have a bad day at the office.
From the points above its clear that two are intertwined with each other. The problems is, they're more tangled than intertwined. "Intertwined" would give the idea that they connect to each other in a way that is both in harmony and balance. "Tangled" will be more fitted to the scenario. there is no order. They both overlap each other at different points without cordination.

So what you think about Work life vs Home life? Share you thoughts..
Hmmm...like no-one interested in my Weekly debate boi??? Oh well, maybe its too long. Maybe some of us don't like reading??
lol i don't work, but i find i'm way more relaxed in school i only feel stress at home. I'm more likely to feel retarded in school because of something that happen home...
I just cant do home work home for some reason.. its easier to do things in school. I think i use school to relax more than i do home...