Wa Happen To We Culture?


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Jun 9, 2008
Its All About secularization and westernization of the Caribbean now right ... Our Culture is going and everyone knows that! disappearing by one tradition trait then another..For One Instance is Indian Weddings! Hindu & Muslim long ago there used to be lovely dances .

These lovely dances used to be portrayed by "DECENTLY DRESSED DANCERS WEARING TRADITIONAL WEAR"..Don't matter what chutney or indian song they danced it entailed hands in the air , spinning , etc.. NOW! IS PLAIN RUBBISH Youth dancers could be in dance groups or dancing individually ALL YOU SEEING IS BOTTOM! Seriously no hand movement is only waist like ah robot "FANNING" Their crotch area or pumping out their behinds! this is a total degradation. and WEARING WHAT PERHAPS? Can't even recognize them onstage if they were even performing! That's why u could never see alot of ELDERS again in weddings or them staying late because of our traditions just being erased or more replaced!

I totally love how the dancers long ago dressed in their shiny skirts and leading the bride and groom into their cars etcc.. now is nothing like that everything so RUDE ! and modernized! Yes everyone now a days have to keep the crowd entertained BUT BE DESCENT ! DRESS APPROPRIATELY ! DANCE WITH PASSION NOT WITH HORNINESS ! Geez! Keep our traditions alive!
Its when one country sees another country's trends and fashion and try to copy it. Even Carnival that was one taught to be the way we as a nation express ourselves as a culture has been overcome by trends and fashion. Carnival used to be bands representing the cultures of Trinidad and Tobago through costume but now its only about making money and wearing less and less clothing for more money.
I am passing with a sissors on carnival day to cut all them strings from girls thongs that they wear so barely on jourvet morning and tuesday infront of them little children. they want something to feel shame about i go give them lol
lmaooo... aha yo go yes kingfish.. Yes carnival supposed to be about portraying with our ancestors went through and getting back our identities and culture but its more about drinking rum and wearing the latest trends more than anything .. long time i used to like to see the jab jab , sailors and thing for carnival now! IS Only half naked people on the road..NASTINESS!
Our culture is surely erasing yes we. ah is a lover of traditional weddings myself and sometimes i hate to see what people does be wearing to come to weddings like jeans and ah jersey and watching everyone like dem is boss
even Chutney music has changed..only jump an wave yuh hearin...our culture is diein an ah hate wen we ppl sayin is modern times now...i agre its morden times buh ur culture must b upheld an honored for our next generation!!!
Same here it should be preserved.. I know we are developing but please let our culture remain!