Viagra Could be the new way to fight malaria

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Jan 23, 2015

Viagra was discovered when researchers were testing a drug for high blood pressure and found out it had a curious side effect lol(we all know what it is). The pill may have another benefit as a new study in human blood cells finds that viagra or drugs like it can prevent the transmission of malaria. Resistance to the drug is on the rise and the disease affects nearly 200 million people a year. The parasites that cause malaria, which belong to the genus Plasmodium, have a complex life cycle that require it to move between humans and mosquito. Drugs like Viagra could keep Plasmodium out of human blood, breaking the cycle of transmission. Viagra works by grabbing onto enzymes that breaks down a molecule called cGMP. cGMP relaxes blood vessels in the penis to create erections and that how it got it main selling point, but viagra also inhibits similar enzyme that break down a similar molecule called cAMP, increasing the levels of cAMP.

Things get interesting here as when the blood cells infected with the malaria parasite are exposed to more cAMP, the become hard and stiff, which is a sign of infection. These hard and stiff cells which are unhealthy can be filtered out the body by the spleen. Mosquitos biting an infected human wont pick up the parasite anymore.

This isnt a cure for a person already infected with malaria, but it could prevent transmission by mosquitoes to even more victims, a novel way of fighting the disease. In any case, though the active ingredient of viagra may have to be modified for this to work, so it doesnt have, you know, and undesired erectile effect.

Via: Viagra Could Stop Malaria | Popular Science
I guess it truly is a wonder drug lol I wonder how often a person would have to take it to keep malaria at bay though. Too frequently and the cost of constantly stocking up would be a deterrent. Otherwise people can just kill three birds with one stone every so often: get their freak on, lower their blood pressure, and fight malaria all at once LOL
LOL! well this was an interesting read. Maybe old men who take it regularly need to call themselves lucky :p