Vehicle Theft in Trinidad & Tobago

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Senior Marketing Officer
Staff member
Jun 9, 2008
There is a high rate of vehicle theft in Trinidad and Tobago.

1. There are many vehicles stolen to commit crime and then are abandoned or some kept
2. There is a black market for stolen vehicle parts
3. Black market for stolen vehicles which are tampered, painted & sold
4. Some are sold just as it is
5. Vehicles are stolen for items inside the car e.g phone, purses etc.
7. High crime areas such as Malls ( Trincity, Gulf City, Price Plaza) , East/West Corridor and Port-of-Spain especially Central.
8. Most newer cars are stolen at gunpoint . e.g. Navarras, Vigos, Mazda 3.

I am fedup of car theft in this country along with other crimes. Being a third world country; many people have this lazy mentality and only believe in reaping what others work hard to sow. They are nasty scums of this earth that never grew up proper and don't want to work hard at all.

Please Sterotype criminals to your fullest even though they maybe or not. They are all around us like predators ready to pounce then they see and opportunity. Sometimes no crimes can be prevented however by adopting certain measures they can;

1. Vehicle Alarm - Alert when criminal is trying to enter your vehicle

2. Vehicle camera- Records inside car to capture criminals

3. Remote Start- That weak seconds when you are vunerable to being hold up. Starting remotely
in unsafe areas such a car parks can cut time taken for car to start, lock & warm up.

4. Always sterotype people in public- Even though it is rude and maybe not a criminal always judge them
and their actions, this might save your life!

5.Look behind and around you when you are walking to your vehicle. Call someone and let them stay on the phone with you when parked in unsafe areas.
6.Have a defense object in close reach when walking to your car or in your car. If you are in a store and see someone close to your vehicle outside next to your car , please wait till they leave or assess your
surroundings first before stepping out.

5. Never roll down you windows for just anyone!

6. If you see a strange car parked in your yard/outside and you are entering please stop and acess your surroundings although you might have loyal neighbours. Criminals tend to ambush you as soon as you enter your gate.

7. For remote control gates please press the button from a distance away to have enough time to pull into the drive way. For those who are thinking about installing remote control gates, opt for the ones that DO NOT SLIDE. However, the double gates that close for the inside and opens out are the best because once you enter the gates begin to close inwards stopping another vehicle from entering even though it is not closed all the way.

8. PROTECT YOUR HOME & YOURSELF- Even though you are living close to family or a knit village or residential area, get a house camera. It is an investment that you cannot go wrong with and can come in handy in the worst times of your life. If not, please secure your house with a basic alarm or fast response security such as UPSL, Blink Vigilance.
- Take a self defense class to learn how to profect yourself . Krav Maga is an excellent choice. Due to the high crime rate , knowing how to defend yourself in situations can come in useful !
9. Get a dashcam to record hit and run accidents.
10. Invest in some form of GPS recovery service.
Sometimes its difficult to open remote controlled gates from a distance, some only transmit a weak signal and only open when you're really close, in that case, do not pull up on your drive way or angle your car toward your driveway, keep the car in line with the road way so you can always drive off if a vehicle or person attempts to approach you.
There may also be cars behind you as you about to pull up at your house, pull aside and let them pass just to make sure before entry.
Its not a good sign in Trinidad because their is no safety in Trinidad so people may leave this area due to these hazards.It give a bad look to the Trinidad.