Unsanitary Food Conditions in Trinidad & Tobago


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Active Member
Nov 10, 2014
I recently saw a picture on social media of the inside of a fruit juice box covered with what looked like mold. This is not a new thing according to google images! As if that weren't shocking enough, I recently went to Pricesmart and saw a small insect flying around inside a box of doughnuts!

According to the Food and Drugs Act of Trinidad and Tobago:

5. Any person who sells an article of food which?
(a) has in or upon it any poisonous or harmful
(b) is unfit for human consumption;
(c) consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid,
disgusting, rotten, decomposed or diseased
animal or vegetable substance;
(d) is adulterated; or
(e) was manufactured, prepared, preserved,
packaged or stored under unsanitary conditions,
is guilty of an offence

8. Any person who manufactures, prepares, preserves,
packages or stores for sale any food under unsanitary conditions
is guilty of an offence.

This is not right at all and I see things like this popping up everywhere now that people have smartphones at their disposal to record and photograph as proof.

Whether you get a hair in your food or see the ingredients for your meal being kept in cleaning containers, it's gross and unsanitary. I wish I had my phone with me to take a picture of the insect on the pastries. I've heard of someone finding maggots in their Pricesmart rotisserie chicken before but did not believe it. Now I'm not so skeptical. What unsanitary food conditions have you come across? What about insects, mold etc on food?
yea it has become a norm you does have to double and tripple check when buying food items these days
The thing with the juice box is you wouldn't know until the juice is done and you open out the carton. Imagine you finished your juice and found that! Ewwww now I'm glad I don't drink juice so lol

I've seen people preparing food without hair nets or gloves as well. Any surface they touch including their hair, sweaty face, dirty counters, money, etc. could leave remnants in your food.
The only way to verify with the juice is to pour it into a second container and then disect the pack. Either that or just avoid it totally.

Does the sort of black-blue chicken fall under any of the categories? Heard that people are served chicken that looks like this sometimes.
I have bought chicken with parts that looked black and blue!!! I cannot believe people are actually selling this to consumers!

I have seen someone purchase chicken from a food place, it was either curried or fried, with the scaly yellow thing on the bottom of the leg joint still.
I'm curious to know what causes this colouring or discolouration of the meat... It might not be the preparation of the business but their supplier. I will do some research and reply back if I do check it out.
True! I've only gotten meat like that once though, so I hope it was addressed and is not continuing anywhere else.
I saw this on social media today....

They cannot be serious... At the very least tell the customer sorry and offer to give a refund, thats how to keep customers... It seems they are like the rest and care nothing about their customers. I have boycotted and will continue to boycott subway after seeing this. This is ridiculous!

As a matter of fact, the patron should write to Prestige Holdings, they do these things with some seriousness and the customer will benefit from letting Prestige know about this.
Subway actually commented on the photo informing the poster to contact them with any problems in the future and stated they were looking into the matter.

Another commenter said the hairpin could have easily blended into the dark color of the baking tray when the dough was being placed on it to bake.

I don't go to Subway either, but I hope they find the cause of the problem to prevent it in the future too.
I hope they really look into it and I also hope the manager is dealt with accordingly because that is ridiculous.
True, it seems the staff need some customer service training.
Since prestige holdings took over Subway , it has been all downhill from there. The service reached to the level of KFC now. I stopped buying subway because of the way they KEPT UWI subway ..Really a shame !
I don't understand how they always have people buying though... Just like KFC lol someone showed me a container with kfc's latest pepper sauce and it looks like flubber lol but people still buying and eating it.
That is a good question. I never understood it. Even when the price rose people continued to buy.

Youd think after multiple accounts of bad service that people would think differently but I can only assume and theoretically believe they dont get as much bad service or they want the item so much they endure the lack of service.
I can understand that. I've gone places with bad service just to get a product already, especially for things unavailable elsewhere.
Bins usually tell alot about a place.

What day i went to Price Smart Price Plaza food court and the place was a mess. Nearly all the tables were filled in filthy leftovers with flies on the tables. People were complaining and the women said they were short staffed. I rushed out there so quick and never bothered to buy because i could of imagine where else in the kitchen was not clean. ew!