Universal Children's Day


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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
Thursday 20th November 2014 is universal children's day....this year our theme is stop violence against children....hey guys lets remind our parents and caregivers that its our future generation in their hand so teach then well....to many kids die and get abuse at home and school...let RealTrini.com highlight this topic....we do care....
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I hate to see child abuse in any form or fashion whether it be physical, verbal , emotional etc. Our children are our future!
One thing i hate to see especially is when youths become accidently pregnant and take out their frustration on their children for apparently "ruining their lives" . Due to this, these chidren become abused and end up with many problems in the future.
Let's raise our children properly with love, care, discipline and ability to speak out and say how they feel.
Sadly many adults are beating their children because they grew up getting beaten themselves. They don't understand that it's wrong....When my son was born, I told my wife that he would never know what it's like to be beaten and abused, and he doesn't. There are many other ways to deal with children, violence is not an option in my book....
I think a lot of the older generation and uneducated people encourage physical violence as a way to keep children in line through powerlessness and fear. While we need more education about and awareness of physical abuse, there are many other forms of child abuse that are swept under the rug even by authorities. Children are our future, we should protect them, guide them, support them, nurture them etc not teach them to be voiceless victims cowering in fear from any type of abuse. A child with no confidence or self-esteem often becomes an adult with neither as well, and as adults in the future, they would then be leading our nation with no faith in themselves, courage, strength etc. Not a good combo.
i work wit kids and some of them need licks....a good cut tail like my mother used to say...these kids need to be discipline wit punishment....i'm not saying to abuse them...its a difference...some of these kids do things that we as adults will never dream of taking the chance to do...discipline in some way but how can we stop the violence against the child....
I've met some "problem" children that would have gotten licks til they couldn't sit down if they grew up around the previous generations of my family. However, due to increasing awareness about and understanding of emotional, and mental issues for example, I've found that children benefit best when the structural figures in their lives (eg. parents, community, teachers, family friends etc) work together to find the problem and come up with a solution(s). In the States, I've counseled and tutored children that would have been physically punished without a doubt where they in Trinidad, but there, parents and teachers came together to find out what the cause of some of these problems could be and most of the time found processing disorders, ADHD, autism, ADD and the like. Other children had problems at home and/or in school, sometimes it was a combination. The difference in these children before receiving help in dealing with these issues and after just a month was like night and day. The difference was even greater when families, friends etc became involved in learning and helping as well.

Negative reinforcement through corporal punishment is a difference of opinion. In my opinion, there are countless studies proving the damaging effects and often short-lived results of corporal punishment on children and there is a very fine line many people cannot identify that leaves corporal punishment and turns into blatant abuse (although I see corporal punishment as abuse anyway). In order for any form of discipline to be effective, there must be consistency and some level of rules in effect. It is too easy for an adult to take advantage of a small, weak, powerless child and turn what would have been a premeditated light slap on the cheek into a "cuff down" or "buss mouth" for example. I'm sure many people have experiences of punishments getting out of hand due to the punisher's emotions, whether regarding physical reprimands or any other type of punishment that may border on abuse.

More and more people are beginning to understand that there is never a good enough excuse to give an animal licks, and folks are even beginning to identify other types of abuse for animals; believing that they all deserve a warm, loving home with a comfortable space to sleep, ample time and space to play, time and assistance from those accountable to teach and guide it or provide teaching and guidance from others, and suitable meals. Hopefully we will reach the day where at least such rights are universally accepted and fought for children as well.