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President Paula-Mae Weekes yesterday urged Government members, Opposition MPs and members of the diplomatic corps that we need boundless heart, sacrifice and effort, as well as tangible faith, in a bid to move our beloved country forward.

This was the message Weekes delivered as she made a toast to the nation at the National Academy for the Performing Arts, Port-of-Spain, in the presence of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, his wife Sharon, Chief Justice Ivor Archie, Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith, Government ministers, Senators, Opposition MPs, chairpersons of state boards and diplomats.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad- Bissessar, who attended the Independence Day parade at the Queen’s Park Savannah earlier, was notably absent from this event. Bringing greetings on the occasion, Weekes asked the specially invited guests how they felt knowing that 56 years have gone? “Looking back, there can be no doubt that Trinidad and Tobago, over the years, has had many and varying accomplishments of achievements,” Weekes said.

However, looking at today’s situation, Weekes said it “would cause deep concern and maybe alarm in all of us.” She said we have to be our own saviours. “It is for us.” She quoted a line from one of calypsonian Funny’s songs saying: “Right now we backing back on we heel. We have got to turn around. How we do that, has a slow solution?”

She suggested a prescription in moving forward, as she quoted a line from the T&T’s National Anthem— with boundless faith in our destiny. She said what we need was “real faith…tangible faith… the kind of faith that requires all of us…boundless in heart, boundless effort and boundless sacrifice.”

In giving her third and final toast to the nation at the Fire Services headquarters on Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain, which was attended by Chief Fire Officer Roosevelt Bruce and other dignitaries, Weekes jokingly swore to absolute secrecy, stating that “not a word must leave this room…this is my favourite stop,” as guests burst into uncontrollable laughter.

“I have not been to an Independence parade in many years because as a judge this is the time you would be normally out of the country on long vacation.”

However, she said when she saw the fire officers in the march past at the Independence Day parade at the Savannah, “I became nostalgic.

I have always loved the stripes. But let me sound a word of warning, I am not necessarily faithful and I noticed that the Traffic Wardens are giving you all a run for your money,” Weekes said on a lighter note.

Thanking the Fire Services for inviting her, Weekes said when she thought this was her last stop, “I say, you know, it is an odd thing… that when you think about protective services somehow from timeto- time we forget the fire officers, who are as essential as any other service in our nation.”

She thanked the officers for giving of themselves and service to the country. “Let us take the opportunity today to recommit ourselves to the nation’s business. It is serious business.”

Weekes said it should be no surprise to anyone “that we are all concerned about the national climate and the things that are going on in our country today, but we can’t leave it there,” stating that each citizen must “take responsibility.”

Weekes said part of the fire officers’ oath was to render true and faithful service to T&T.

“You have done so over the last 56 years and I urge you to continue.

Our nation needs you now more than ever.”